WOO! HOO! The countdown is over and the fun's about to start, cos Peg and I are ready to officially launch
OPAM 2010!!

It’s all a bit exciting ... and a bit scary! Mostly exciting though! :0) The whole OPAM Challenge journey began as a bit of a happy accident when May Britt and I decided we would encourage each other to finish at least one project for each month of the year and when we invited you, our blogging buddies, to join us, it obviously touched the right chord at the right time. It’s been so wonderful to hear how many of you were encouraged and motivated to be more creative and take a little more time out for yourself thanks to our ‘little’ challenge and with the number of emails received by Peg and I growing every day in the lead up to our launch, it seems there will be a LOT of stitching going on in 2010 and I CAN’T WAIT!!! :0)
But enough waffle from me ... I know you’re all just wanting to read the guidelines for joining Peg and I for OPAM 2010, so I’ll get on with it. I will ask you all to read through the guidelines before you join us to make life a little easier for all of us. You may even find it helpful to save a copy of the guidelines somewhere so you can refer back to them if you have queries. And now, without further ado ...
The One Project A Month (OPAM) Challenge Guidelines 2010
The idea of the “One Project A Month Challenge is pretty simple ... To try to finish at least ONE craft project by the end of each month. This can be something you’ve had partly done for a while (a Work In Slow Progress or WISP), a pattern you bought ages ago that you finally get around to making up, or a completely new project - it’s entirely up to you. This is meant to be a low-stress challenge - if you don’t finish a project every month - that’s fine! We understand that sometimes life interferes with our best laid plans. We also realise that some projects are meant to be long-term and have a LOT of work involved, like a quilt or a cross-stitch. The main aim of the OPAM Challenge is to give us all a little bit of a motivational boost and to give us all a big cheer squad to encourage and inspire us.
However, as May Britt and I discovered last year, there is quite a bit of time and work involved in running the OPAM Challenge, so Peg and I have made a few more guidelines this time that we would ask people to please take note of AND please only sign up to join us if you intend to follow through. If for some reason during the year you decide you don’t wish to remain part of the OPAM Challenge, just drop Peg or me an email to let us know. Your name will stay on the list so that any finishes you DO register will go into the end of year draw, but we will make a note not to check your blog each month. Please read through all of the guidelines before you sign up.
1. Participants must have an ACTIVE BLOG. (sorry non-bloggers, but it was just too hard to keep track of people who didn’t have a blog and dropped out of contact with us.)
2. The number of participants in the 2010 OPAM Challenge will be limited to 150 - first in best dressed! (Sorry, but numbers just got so high last year that it became a LOT of work to keep things running!)
3. Participants can sign up via email to Kris or Peg, or via a comment on EITHER blog AS LONG AS it includes all asked for information.
4. Participants MUST provide all info asked for. Name, email and blog address.
5. Participants MUST have the OPAM Challenge badge on their blog sidebar and link it to either Kris’s or Peg’s blog.
6. Participants MUST keep a list of each month’s finishes on their blog sidebar and update it BEFORE the last day of each month. (This is easiest if you add each project as you finish it, so if something happens and you don’t get to email your finishes or update the full list near the end of the month, your finishes are recorded and can be counted)
7. Only ‘soft’ crafts are included in the OPAM Challenge, ie. Projects made from fabric or wool. Some examples are: embroidery, patchwork, quilting, cross-stitch, knitting, crochet, practical sewing (curtains, clothes etc), long stitch, appliqué.
8. QUILTS: A quilt will only be counted as a finish if it is COMPLETELY finished ... Quilted and bound. Flimsies/tops won’t count as finishes.
9. BOM’s: Blocks that are part of a BOM (Block Of the Month) program will only be counted as a finish when they are joined, quilted and bound. Individual BOM blocks DO NOT count as a finish.
10. OPTIONAL: If you are able to email Peg or Kris your list of finishes each month BEFORE the end of the month, this would be appreciated, as it cuts down the amount of time it takes to check finishes for the month. (and save Peg and Kris from getting square eyes! Tee! Hee! Hee!)
11. Lastly, participants MUST ... Have fun! After all, the reason we craft and create is to relax, have fun and take some time away from the “Have to” tasks to do the “Like to do” ones! :0)
So ... there you have it! And now all that’s left for you to do is email either:
KRIS or PEG to join in the fun and above all, Peg and I do hope that you’ll have fun as you join us for OPAM 2010. And even if you don’t feel you want to commit yourself to being part of our challenge, I hope you’ll drop in to visit Challenge participants, whose blogs will be listed in the sidebar once we get rolling, to be encouraged and inspired in your own creative journey and to pass on encouraging comments to those whose work you admire.
Right now, though, I think I’d better go and keep an overdue date with my pillow so I’m well-rested to deal with the tidal wave of sign up emails tomorrow! Hmmmm ... if there’s going to be a tidal wave, I’d better dig out my floaties to stay above water! :0) Til next time ...
OK! I'm IN!!!!!!! The OPAM rules sound great! My name is Polly Monica. My blog is
My email address is
I'm putting the badge on my blog right now! Thanks! Polly :-)
Ok.. if there still is a place for me so sign me in...
Stina Blomgren.. with the blog :o)
I will add the badge after I have found out if I was among the 150 ...:o)
Good luck the two of you...
I'm in again! Gail Hickam Fines Adding the button next!
HI! I just wrote an email - i will be in again! Thank you
Sent an e-mail but wanted to leave a comment here too. You and May did a wonderful job last year coordinating the OPAM. I appreciate your effort. Equally, I'm honored you agreed to do it again this year. You helped me so much last year that I'm looking forward to another great year getting projects completed. So, please sign me up again as well.
Please sign me up. I also sent an email to make sure.
Name Wendy Ford, blog is : I will be adding the button in a few minutes to my blog. Thanks
Good morning Kris, how's this? the earliest I have been out of bed in a looong time, thanks....
it is actually a really lovely quiet time of the day, just me and a creaky house....whaat!! it makes noises... something I didn't
well I have sent my email to you and fingers crossed I make it in...
if not I will follow you lot anyway and try and finish some of the projects on my list under my own steam....
I'm joining you this year too. I will send you and Peg an e-mail with the needed detail. I look forward to it.
I want to participate this year too. I will send you an email with the needed info.
Yep yep! I'm going to do it!! Just sent you an email. :)
I see I already listed in your sidebar. Love to join as a member this year. Good luck to both of you!!!!
I have just e mailed you with the info... I am in if there is still a spot available....
Cath Ü
Hi. I've emailed Peg to join in the fun. Thanks for hosting.
I've sent you an email, so hope I'm in luck. I can't grab the OPAM button, but perhaps that will only become possible once you've sorted out your list.
Yippee! Sign me up! Sending an email right away...
I hope oyu added my name in there Kris!!!
OOOPS, just looked at your sidebar, and I see that you have, thanks heaps!!! I am so looking forward to this, lets see if I can't do much better this year!!
Hi Kris, not sure what happened...tried to comment and did not come through....Lyn Van Dijk Lyn
I'm in again. Required info - Kylie Purdie, kylie(dot)purdie(at)gmail(dot)com
Will also email
I left you an e-mail with my e-mail adress and blog. I really hope to be a part of the OPAM this year too, because it was SO FUN lat year. Hope I get to join the fun this year too :o) Thanks for doing this for us again!
ooh I have been looking forward to this.... have emailed you Kris and left a message on Pegs and here... he he.... and have started organising what to finish first out of my UFO box.... he he am going to put the link on my sidebar and add a list for January....
So glad you're doing this again! :) I just sent you an email, so hopefully I made it in time to be a part of this. I had so much fun last year, and it really challenged me. I know I didn't get stuff finished each month last year, but I feel like I got a lot more accomplished than I otherwise would have. :)
Count me in Kris! I've sent an email with my name, email and blog address. A big thanks to you and Peg for running OPAM this year!
toni xxx
I've emailed, Peg Kris - no favouritism, just that her Post came up first, so please don't be sad! Hopeing I get in!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Hi Kris
I have sent you an email and popped the badge on my blog, so I hope I make it on your list!
I want to participate this year too. I will mail you and Peg whit the details..
Take care!
I sent you an email Kris and would like to participate again if there's still room. www.stitchalongwithme/
Let me know so I can post the new logo. Thanks!
I totally want to participate again! My name is Susan Taylor, email is and blog is
I still have the OPAM patch on my blog from last year. I'll have to check to make sure the link is still correct. Doing that now.
Thanks so much for doing this again.
Susan in Texas
Hi Kris, I've signed on with Peg, I hope I make the count - yeah
Miche'le, New Zealand
tried to send an email and I think your server is full!
I am excited to get started!
Rebecca Arms
Hi Kris,
Yep I'd love to play again this year if you have room.
I'm emailing you. :D
daisyquilts at rocketmail dot com
Hi kris I have sent an email to Peg I hope I get in
hugs Beth
I have sent you an email...I hope I am not too late to join in the fun..I certainly need the motivation...and I am not short of WISP's!!!
I will grab the button when I find out if I made the group!
Warmest Regards
Hi Kris,
I'd love to join in-if there is room for me!
Let me know and i'll print off instructions, I'd hate to be the naughty girl in class/blogland and I'll add the OPAM button to my sidebar.
Thanks for the opportunity to participate - I sent an email and put the button on my blog - I'm optimistic.
I would really really like to be involved again I finished so many projects because of this challenge count me in _hope details come through wiht this Nicole
email sent
how exciting
I'm in if there is space left. The limitation is fully understandable! I'll e-mail my info shortly.
I have sent you a mail, but I thought why not pop in here to and let you know that I want to join this event.
OK - please sign me in!
Last year it was a fun - so this year it will be fun again!
Happy quilting
Hi Kris!!
I'd love to join in this year if there's still a place for me, I just emailed Peg with my info and will email you shortly. Hope I made it in time this year!
Please sign me in. My name is Jofrid S. Sæverås My blog is and my mailadress is Hope i'll make it. Hugs Jofrid
I sent an email. Hope I made it in was a great challenge last year and kept me going. Thanks so much!!
I would like to join in if there is a place left.
I regularly checked in with the participants last year.
I really need a challenge like this to get me back to the sewing machine and I may even finish a cross stitch or two.
I'm Joanne, my email is and my blog is
Thank you.
I want to do it again. :) you guys did a great job last year. I sent you an email.
Hi Kris,
OK, I've added the OPAM button and I'm ready to start.
Thank you and Peg for allowing me to join in!
Have a great weekend.
I just read about this on another blog so popped over to check you out. Sounds like great motivation! Plus getting to see the other finishes should be inspirational! I have too long of a list of WISP! LOL and would love to see them completed! Please count me in!
Thanks for hosting this!
Hi Kris,
I just read your email and tried to answer, but it bounces back to me. So here is the answer.
List me as Sharon MLS (Marie Loper Schutt) Thanks! I have noticed several Sharons on blogs I frequent, so adding initials is a good idea!
I'm from Indiana, USA btw.
I would like to joing in on the fun, great wat to get thin finished.
Sherry Hogan
I didnt see my link on either yours or Pegs sidebar so I will insert my email addy here...I am already enjoying the challenge!
alliesgrandma at
I would love to join in is there still room. This would a defiant help for me. Please let me know so I can add your button to my blogs. Thank you
If there is still room, I would love to join. I have a ton of projects that really need to get done!
my bog address is
Oh what a pity I haven't seen this before! I wish I could join it. Anyhow, I will follow your blogg, I do like it!
Well pooh. I just found this and it's too late to sign up. Maybe next year.
I always hear about the cool kids projects and challenges just after they've closed the door! Maybe next year! -kerry
I happened upon your wonderful OPAM Challenge too late for Sign-ups, but I'm playing along at home, because prizes or no, I'm motivated to get a few things finished and thought this was a fun way to organize it. I used your button on my blog (address in my profile) for this year, even though I'm not officially part of OPAM 2010 and I'll be sure to get in on the sign up next year. Thanks so much!
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