Well ... this is the before photo of the sewing room, so you see what I was up against!

This! And this ...

Okay, Okay!! So ... it's a little messy!! But you've got to remember, this is where I create and creation is never neat and tidy - at least, not in THIS household! :0) And I think my cupboards spit things out when I'm not looking!
And after the frantic cleaning ...

Oh look ... there was a rather pretty daybed under that fabric bomb!!

OK, so it's not PERFECTLY tidy, but at least Tiff could crawl into the bed without fear of being smothered by patchwork fabric in her sleep and she could see that she was walking on solid floor, not a sea of threads!! Tee! Hee! Hee! And I DID try to con Joy into doing my ironing, since she was skiting about her basket being empty, but she wouldn't do it - how mean!! :0) Oh ... and can you tell that I'm a bit of a bookworm?? And there's NEVER enough bookshelf space!
We had a pretty hectic weekend fitting in a car pick-up from Crows Nest (Tiff is now the proud owner of a cute metallic mint green Barina as her first car!) and the mandatory shopping involved in Mum visiting the 'big smoke', as well as generally catching up, but it's always great to spend time with my folks and Tiff has boarded at Mum and Dad's place for the last three years, so is pretty much the sister I never had! While they were here, I presented Mum with her slightly late Mothers' Day giftie, the picnic bag I showed last post. She was really chuffed and it was exactly what she was after, so that was great! Here she is modelling her new bag ...

So there you go ... my weekend in a nutshell - a much smaller nutshell than I bet you were expecting!! Tee! Hee! Hee! You can see why I'll sleep well tonight as I try to catch up a bit! And now ... I'm off to make myself a cup of tea to sip while I FINALLY get around to flicking through the latest "Homespun" magazine that has been waiting for me for the last two weeks. The perfect way to spend an icky, overcast, cold afternoon, if you ask me!! Hope you all had a great weekend and wonderful start to the new week. Til next time - Bear Hugs!
You did well to clear off the day bed, it looks quite comfy!!
We had horrible weather over the weekend, ideal for staying indoors and stitching.
Look at it this way Kris, at least now you have a neat and tidy sewing space to start creating in this week. How long does it generally take to get that lived in look again??? LOL
Sounds like a great and busy weekend was had with your visitors.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Hi Kris,
Ah, doesn't that feel better now the day bed is tidied up.
Looks very cosy and inviting.
Good luck with the ironing, hm, don't you deserve to get someone to do it?
Oh that tidying thing ifs for the birds...guess I am bird too as I have been trying to find the floor and the tables in my creative space....I agree, clutter is part of the creative process, thought I have made a plan to myself that I won't buy any more fabric until I have room in the cupboard ( if I shove really hard I am sure there will be room).
Glad you had a happy busy weekend, kiss noises Linda
Glad I am not the only one that gets into a mess! I too had a bit of a clean and tidy up today as I had to find the cutting board to do some cutting!
Bec xxx
Wow I thought I was the only one with a messy sewing room.I just cleaned mine out with the help of my daughter in law Lynn it looks good now But how long will it stay like that I dont know.
Hugs Mary.
Oh good, mine aren't the only cupboards who spit stuff out when I'm not looking...craft room is a disaster zone at present, looking forward to getting my new shelf unit up and running.
Sounds like a lovely weekend with your family :o). I'm so relieved to see that I'm not the only one that can work quite happily in utter chaos :o)LOL!!! If it makes you feel any better dear Kris... my moment of euphoria is over - it didn't take long for my ironing basket to fill up again {{sigh}}. Guess I'll have to wait for my next burst of energy to get it done.
Don't hold your breath LOL!!!
Joy :o)
want to come and tidy my room too........lol.....
Good morning Kris! :-)
What a beautiful sewing room you have - in both its states!!! I'm just looking at my crafty space... hmmm, it definitely needs the "Kris" magic performed... fancy a trip to Melbourne?!! he he he...
Sounds like a lovely heart-warming weekend... and how exciting for Tiff to have her first car! I cam remember how liberating that was!
Enjoy Homespun! I'm just going to have a cuppa too!
Hugs! Vikki xx (geesh, I can talk, can't I?!)
Hi Kris, glad you had a good weekend with your folks and Tiff.....hmmm ironing is my least favourite chore.......my sewing room is in need of a makeover...chaos reigns...Regards Lyn
Hi Kris,
oh, you're a good girl tidying up your sewing room. My workspace looks pretty much the same (again!) like your before picture...I really think, things have their own life and like to get some sun so they don't stay in their dark hiding places ;o)
Stay warm,
P.S.: I recently had to give away many books as I only have very (!) limited space for my books (sigh!)...but it helps me to keep only those books I really love...
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