Hmmm ... I DO remember having a peek at the Queensland Quilters' Picnic, which was hosted by Toowoomba Quilters this year. I took my dancing buddy Lynda with me and we enjoyed admiring all the lovely quilts on display and even managed to behave ourselves and not give into the temptation offered at the trade displays ... which included Marion and Steph's lovely offerings from Quilters' Angel. We did enjoy a chat with them, though, and I dropped off some yummy chocolate slice for them to have with their coffee because it was a pretty cold ol' day and their display was outside. Sorry there are no photos - I only remembered when I got back to the car after our visit that I hadn't taken any - I know, slipping badly in the blogger behaviour here! :0)
Lets see ... what else did I do this week ... Oh! I enjoyed a lovely social afternoon at Quilters Angel with Marion and Linda (who I met at the retreat earlier in the year). I dropped some copies of my "Girl Stuff Bags" patterns in to Marion (so if you want one for your very own self, you can now get them from Marion's shop, too!) and ended up staying! Tee! Hee! Hee! We had a lovely time chatting, I caught up on Linda's latest stitching adventures and picked up the names of a couple of interesting sounding authors. While we were chatting, Chris (no blog but a keen blog follower!) popped in to show off her version of "Truly Scrumptious" by Natalie at Cinderberry Stitches (which Marion has as a BOM at Quilters Angel!). And it was certainly worth showing off!! WOW! That was also when I found out that Chris pops into my blog regularly to see what silliness I've been involved in most recently! Tee! Hee! Hee! Hello Chris!! It was such a lovely afternoon, all the more so as it was unplanned and spontaneous - told you Quilters Angel is my home-away-from-home! :0)
And today, in between snuggling under a blankie with a book to escape the cold snap (down to 3 degrees overnight - EEK!) I did manage to spend some time in my sewing room to finish off my Mum's Mothers' Day giftie. Now it might SEEM late, but Mum said to hold off posting it, as she and Dad are visiting this weekend, so I'll hand it over in person with a hug - much nicer!! Here it is ...

Don't know how well you can see details on it. It's a picnic bag. The bag is a nice strong denim lines with the same yummy sunflower fabric as I've used for the pockets, so it should wear well. And Mum wanted some pockets on the outside to slip sachets of tea, coffee, sugar or cuppa-soups into for when they travel. These pockets are just the right size for a cuppa-soup packet while on the other side ...

a long pocket to pop cutlery into and a smaller one for tea, coffee, sugar etc. It has a handy draw string closure and a shoulder strap to carry it. I was pretty pleased with how it turned out - and took notes, so it may end up being a new Tag Along Teddies pattern in the future! :0) Hope Mum likes it! And it's nice to FINALLY get a finish on my OPAM Challenge list for May!! Don't forget, all you OPAM gals, to update your finish lists as you go along, so that if you forget to send an end-of-month total email to me or May Britt, we can quickly check your up-to-date list.
While I was in the spare room taking photos of Mum's picnic bag, I kicked my toe on a bag of books I'd bought home from Mum and Dad's last time we visited. (My toe's fine, thanks for asking!! Must find a home for those books!) Mum was cleaning out (as she does quite frequently!!) and sent me home with some of my childhood books because I wouldn't let her throw them out! Tee! Hee! Hee! This one was one of my favourites and was so well read that the spine is now broken, but it just has so many wonderful stories that I can't bear to throw it out!

You can see it's done many bedtime stints!! It's a great book, with a story for every night of the week. I was one of those fortunate children whose parents always read me a bedtime story, even for a few years after I could read myself!

This was one of my favourite stories - is it any wonder I 'grew up' (something still debated by those who know me well! Tee! Hee! Hee!) to love not only bears, but stitching! This lovely little story tells of a young girl wanting to sew for her teddy and finding only small pieces of fabric that she thinks aren't very useful. Her clever Mum shows her how to sew the small pieces together to make a patchwork quilt for her teddy - and teddy loved it! :0) I still remember quite a few of my favourite bedtime stories - what about you? What was your favourite bed time story - I'd love to hear about it!! Maybe if you still have the book, you can post a photo and let me know so I can share, too!
And although I'd love nothing better than to curl up with another bed time story ... we've got to be brave and go out into the cold for a friend's birthday dinner. There are some upsides to braving the cold - I don't have to cook and we'll get to catch up with friends! Hope you're having a good Friday night, whatever you're up to! Til next time - Bear Hugs!
That's the VERY SAME book that my Mum and Dad used to read to me at bedtime when I was little too! I remember the story on my birthday (27th Oct) was actually a poem ... I think it had a pumpkin piccy on it.
Joy :o)
This was a lovely post and enjoyed reading it very much, it all sounds so familiar. And we both live Toowoomba way !
It's lovely to remember the little things from our childhood that are so very important .
Hi Kris,
Ooohhh, I love your new picnic bag for your Mum. What a clever idea and one especially made by her daughter.
Enjoy those childhood story books.
What a find. Please put them in a safe place, before kicking the other toe on them.
"Lavender Views" sounds like a great name for my new design.
Have a great weekend, Kris, and stay warm!
i cant believe that we are half way through May!! because i job share i technically only have 14 teaching days left this term, wish i could do them all in a row and have an extra long holiday :) it is a bit scary as i have reports due in about two weeks... eeeeekkkkk.
better get off here and keep stitching.
Hi Kris,
I am not too surprised that your week disappears, you are one very busy lady! Relax over the weekend then huh???
Your mum's Mother's Day present turned out great Kris. I love the sunflower fabric - it is so bright and cheery and perfect for a picnic bag.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
How lovely to meet up with a blogging friend
I enjoyed my first visit to your blog
How funny, I think I have the same book, different cover but similar inside. It was a favourite too.
Have lost my mojo a bit on the pattern writing thing. I WILL do it. I've started, haven't forgotten you.
Hey Kris,
Yes I too am forever losing weeks, the person who could find a way to find them again would make a fortune. LOL I hope that it is not getting to cold up there for you, I think that it is going to be a cold Winter this year. My favourite books as a child were the Enid Blyton, The Magic Faraway Tree was by far my fav. Hope you don't lose this week.
Cheers Linda
Hi Kris, my beary good blogging buddy!
Oh I so understand you ~ the last week slipped through my fingers without leaving a trace...other than tiredness....and a finished quilt! (have to make pictures!)
It seems despite work stuff you also did some nice visits...
The bag for your mom is lovely & it's so cool that you designed it just to fit her needs for a picnic bag! I believe it was worth the wait (and as you said, it's much nicer to give a present in person).
Childhood books...oh, I love mine...especially the ones my dad read to us. He was the only one who were allowed to read us bedtime stories & it was such a nice tradition as he was at work all favourite stories were about cats...don't know the title, but the characters had names like Schu-schuh, Samtpfötchen and Weißnäschen (names translated: velvet paws, white nose, shoo-shooh,...). Me? Cats? Who knew! *g*. And, of course, I couldn't get enough from Grimm's Mä grandmother made a tape for us grandchildren telling these fairy tales because she didn't live near by.
Hugs, Julia
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