Well ... it's been a VERY hectic, slightly stressful, busy week, which is why I've been a bit absent from blogland. BUT ...
After writing all the instructions, tracing, scanning and editing applique elements, choosing photos and answering lots of profile questions, I mailed everything off to "Homespun" today, including my "Butterfly Hunt" quilt. It was like sending off my baby!!! Oh dear!!! All of you crafters will know what I mean ... all the decisions about colour, placement, all the hours of stitching and now I have sent it off to someone for a little holiday! Mind you, I am very confident that the lovely Catherine and her team at "Homespun" will take very good care of my 'baby' and it will be super exciting to see it in the December issue of my favourite craft mag!!! So, what's a girl to do now? Why ... buy more fabric of course! Tee! Hee! Hee!
My friend Deb is visiting from Newcastle for a few days and INSISTED (that's MY story, anyways!!! Tee! Hee! Hee!) that I show her my home-away-from-home (AKA Quilters Angel), at the Village Green where we felt OBLIGED to indulge in a tasty lunch and warming cuppa! :0) Now, you KNOW that Marion and Steph have trained their fabrics to jump off the shelf and follow me home, so of COURSE I brought some pretties home with me!

Yes ... you guessed it ... MORE yummy Aviary fabric!! I do have a project in mind for these lovelies, but you'll have to wait til I cross a few things of my "To Do" list before I get back to play with them and share. Mind you ... I am having a psychic moment here and feel that next Friday I'll be adding more to my Aviary stash!! You see, Marion's having a FANTASTIC sale next Friday and I'll be there to support it! :0) Pop over to her blog to get the details!! And if you can't join in the fun ... I'll just tease you with photos of what I buy next week! Tee! Hee! Hee!
Then, today on our way back from seeing my Australia Post buddy, Raymond, to post "Butterfly Hunt" off, Deb and I called in to see Lisa's new shop at Precious Time. She's recently moved into a bigger building, so of COURSE we had to explore her extended space - oh, and some fabric followed me home! Tee! Hee! Hee!

Pretty greens - I know, how UNUSUAL for me to be buying GREEN fabric, right?! Tee! Hee! Hee! I also have a use for these yummy greens in mind, but it will be a secret a bit longer - you'll just have to wait!
Now another 'pretty' to join my sewing supplies was a special parcel from the Lovely Lilly Linda. Do you remember me complaining about cold fingers a few posts back and bemoaning the fact that I hadn't found any fingerless gloves in pretty colours? Well, the Lovely Linda found me something special to keep my fingers warm ...

Some BLUE fingerless gloves!! So now I'll have warm hands, but still be able to type!! Thank you Lovely Lilly Linda!! What a wonderful gift to warm my heart ... AND hands! :0)
And speaking of things to warm my heart ... the lovely Miriam at Bubba Chenille passed on a friendship award to me earlier this week.

Thank you Miriam!! Miriam lives on top of our cold hill too, though we're yet to co-ordinate ourselves for a catch-up cuppa, and she is involved in the Handmade Expo events that take place regularly at various locations in the south east of Queensland. So what is this award all about? Well, the text that goes with it says:
"This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming.
These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
Well ... I tried ... but I couldn't just choose eight of you blogging buddies to pass this on to, cos I just have too many friends who have charming blogs and who make blogging buddies all over the place, so if you're name is on my sidebar, "Thanks for being a friend!"
And after that catch up and the busy week I've had, I think I've earned a cuppa and some 'feet-up' time, so I'm off to put the kettle on and maybe read a little bit before I head back into my sewing room this weekend to play with the quilt that is developing from those Aviary charm squares I showed you last post. Whatever you're up to this weekend, I hope you have some fun stuff scheduled and I'll look forward to catching up with your photos. Til next time - Bear Hugs!
our accomodation is booked!! grammar view here we come. i am taking notes on how cold it is up the hill and i am getting worried.
congrats on the mag exposure.
%*_*% rosey
Wow, what a fun week Kris. Say 'Hi' to Deb for me. I bet you two have had such great fun together.
Love your new fingerless gloves from the Lovley Lilly Linda. You won't be able to grumble about the cold now. LOL
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Name the day and time and no prizes for where we'll meet one day !
Kris how exciting for you! Homespun! I will have to get that issue for sure!
Hi Kris,
Oh, what an eventful, busy week you've had.
Love the new Aviary fabrics. I'm going to check out Marion's blog now.
Ah, also Precious times.
Have a good weekend.
Hey there Kris!
Ooh, I can just imagine the anticipaton of wrapping up your butterflies and sending them on their adventure... I would be missing them too!!! But like you say, the trip will be well worth it!
Sounds like you've had a great week - enjoy the sales next Friday! I look forward to seeing your newly acquired fabrics!
Hugs! Vikki xx
Such a cute blog :)
I love that fabric and I'm looking forward to seeing your quilt in print , goodonya!
Hi Kris,
I've just caught up on all your news, congratulations on being published in Homespun mag, that is really exciting. I agree the Aviary fabrics that you are using at the moment at just beautiful.
Keep warm.
Cheers Linda
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