Before I show you the photos of some of the gorgeous things people have been making and finishing for the OPAM Challenge, I'd better preface this little showing by telling you that I've forgotten who sent me some of these and only have the file name to go by - SORRY!! If you're one of the clever-clogs who've sent me these photos, feel free to pop a comment on this post to tell us about them.

Cheryl T's Christmas Quilts. Hmmm ... I was trying to remember which "No Blogger" this yummy photo came from when it occurred to me that the only Cheryl T I could think of is the lovely Polka Dots & Rick Rack Cheryl T. Now she obviously HAS a blog, so I must have just decided this these Christmasy goodies were too pretty NOT to share! Tee! Hee! Hee!
These next few photos are from Mary in Wyoming ... where it SNOWED in SUMMER!! EEEK!!!

This is a calendar holder that Mary made, with a different mini quilt for each month - lots of work there!

This is Mary's "Christmas Snowball" quilt. All those yummy red and green fabrics. And she also made a "Green Snowball" quilt ...

Some lovely greens in there ... of course, I AM a bit biased towards greens!! :0)

Isn't this pretty!! I love the effect of the brighter colours of the applique against the navy blue background. This is Mary's "Summer Fruit" quilt - yep ... Mary sure has been a busy bee!!! :0) But wait ... there's MORE from the prolific Mary!!

This is a pretty table runner Mary made - looks like it would be a fabulous Christmas show-off piece! :0) All of that snow in Wyoming must encourage Mary to stay inside and stitch, I think!! Tee! Hee! Hee! Lovely job, Mary!!
These next few photos are from Sheila.
A pretty and practical patchwork pouch! OK, so it's really a BAG, but that didn't continue my line of "P" words!! Lovely bright colours here to cheer up any day ... especially if you were taking that bag fabric shopping! Tee! Hee! Hee!
This is Sheila's "Bunny Quilt". The light from the flash hides the centre panel with the bunnies on it a bit, but they sure are cuties! And the lovely soft colours would make this a fabulous addition to any nursery.
This is Sheila's "Pram Quilt" - that's it's name AND it's purpose - how clever! :0) Again, Sheila has used those soft pastels and the pinwheels look great with the white for contrast.
These last couple of photos are from Stacia, who sent me the cute Sunflower bear and pattern recently. We've also commiserated over how disruptive renovations can be, as she's been doing some major reno's at her new place!

You may have to click on the photo to see these a little clearer, but the green parts of these cushions are bright green froggies sitting on lily pads!! They are so darn CUTE!! (When they're on fabric and not live ones on my toilet seat, that is!!) And the greens show up so well with the black for contrast.

And here is the table runner Stacia made from the same fabrics. I seem to recall she made these for a friend who is a bit of a froggy freak ... but I've had the photos stashed for so long that I may have made that up! Tee! Hee! Hee! It's a good story, though!! :0)
These are only a few of the projects that May Britt and I see photos of at the end of each month - there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many more out there if you blog hop through the OPAM Challenge Participants list. It just blows me away how many clever-clogs stitchers there are out there and that through blogging, we get to share and be inspired by so many like-minded people! And there are also a lot of stitchers out there who may not have been posting photos of finished projects, but have been making some progress on larger long-term projects, which is also fabulous. Hope you're all enjoying being part of the One Project A Month Challenge!
And now ... I'm off to find my morning coffee, hang some washing and then get busy stitching the binding on a certain quilt ... which is back from the quilter's and looking FABULOUS!! If I can say that and not sound too impressed with myself! Tee! Hee! Hee! So, I hope you enjoyed the photo show and that you're having fun today, whatever you're doing. Til next time - Bear Hugs!
people are so clever, i am off to update my opam for babushka gifted to a little girl in your home town :)
Can't wait to see what that certain quilt looks like finished. I'll just have to wait for the release of the pattern before stalking that home away from home that we both have to select some scrumptious fabrics to do it justice. Now how can I find some extra time in the day to try to finish all the projects on the to do list as well as adding more weekly?
oh wow.... that's a whole lot of creativity there Kris. Such clever little crafters.
Hope you are having fun this weekend stitching your binding.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
My goodness what amazing work !
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