Now one of my all-time fave "cheer myself up" movies is the one pictured above, "Indiana Jones. Raiders of the Lost Ark". Yes, yes, I know it's still the video version - the collector's DVD set of all three movies is on my wish list! I've lost count how many times over the years I've watched this movie and it still makes me feel good and laugh, not to mention having one of my all-time fave movie quotes, "It ain't the years, honey, it's the mileage!" Tee! Hee! Hee! Some days I know just how Indy feels!!
So, being a big Indiana Jones fan, I've been waiting with great anticipation to see how the latest installment would come together and I have to say, I wasn't at all disappointed!! I won't share too many details, just in case you haven't seen it yet, suffice to say it has the usual Lucas/Spielberg hallmarks of action, special effects, humour, a hint of romance and a touch of the other-worldly! Just BRILLIANT! And it was indeed a good way to escape the cold icky weather. In fact, it seems to have been a case of "Great Minds Think Alike", as when I popped into visit Lynette Anderson's blog (yep anxiously awaiting the next Noah's Ark BOM installment!!) she and Vince were also planning to catch up with Indy - wonder if they enjoyed it as much as we did?
Apart from going adventuring witn Indy and his friends, things have been pretty quiet in the Meares' Madhouse as we both try to kick the last of this persistent cold. Having finished 98% of my pattern instruction writing (YAY!!) that I set myself as homework this week, I rewarded myself with a day of hand quilting yesterday in front of the heater and some DVDs. The Chocolate Mousse Quilt I featured a while ago is now about 3/4 quilted, so that's been very satisfying - even if it does make typing this a little uncomfortable, since several fingers are covered in needle-pricks!! My quilting methods may need some refining, but they get the job done!!
Oh! Thanks to all who left comments on my last post telling me they were glad I hadn't fried myself with the hairdryer, although some showed remarkably little faith in my ability to get along in the electronic world!!! OK, so this may have been slightly justified, but still ....!!! Tee! Hee! Hee! Several of you also confessed to having the same or similar experiences, so I don't feel quite so silly - Hopefully Jo has replaced HER hairdryer now and heeded my first-hand experience of what happens when you put it off!! So ... I know you'll all be VERY pleased to know, my beloved Geek Boy bought me a new hairdryer when we sallied forth to do our weekly grocery shopping.

Oooooohhhh! Shiny new hairdryer!! Now I just have to work out how to drive it! I'm sure I'll get there, but the first few tries have resulted in a slightly fluffy look!! Oh well, it works for poodles and dandelions, I guess! Tee! Hee! Hee!
Well, that's about it from here - as I said, we've been pretty low-key for a few days, but I will point you towards my list of "Blogging Buddies" to the left. I've added some more of my frequently-visited blogs to the list, so pop in and visit them if you haven't already - tell them the Mad Bear Woman sent you! Tee! Hee! Hee! Oh, and I've also played a bit with my blogger profile, adding some more info and a cute tag that my mate Deb from Newcastle made for me from a photo of one of my stitchery designs.

Thanks Deb! So, not only can you find out a bit more about me, you'll know when I've commented on your blogs because you'll see my pretty new tag!! So ... until next time (or when you see the pretty tag appear on your blog!!) Bear Hugs!
Hi Kris,
Isn't it just perfect weather for curling up in front of the TV and sipping on hot chocolate, I'm so glad that we are finally getting some decent rain again, it's not to good though if you won't to leave the house.
Now I'm off to have said hot chocolate I think I might even have some marshmellows in the pantry to pop in.
Cheers Linda
Hi Kris,
Sorry to hear you and GB are still under the weather. Hope the bug leaves the Meares house soon.
A special little something was waiting in my post box today - thank you for being such a caring friend. It helped cheer me up on an otherwise ho hum day.
Thank you sweet friend from the bottom of my heart.
Hugs & jugs,
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