Well ... the first big news for our weekend was ... IT RAINED! YAY!! Here in the Toowoomba area, we're in a bit of a 'green drought'. That may seem a little contradictory, but all it means is, we get small falls of rain that are just enough to keep the grass green and gardens happy, but none is substantial enough to fill our dams - DAM!! So when it started PELTING down late yesterday afternoon, we were pretty excited! OK, I was excited, Scott ended up looking like a drowned rat due to the fact he's driven home in it (well, he didn't actualy get wet whilst driving!), then had to open the gate, drive the car in, then close the gate, then get stuff out of the boot ... He looked like a drowned rat by the time he came inside!! Tee! Hee! Hee! I mean ... "Oh dear!" I, on the other hand, was out on the verandah trying to get some photos!!
This is what our front footpath was like - can you see the 'river' overflowing the path and onto the grass?
I don't know if you can see if from the photo, but it was still raining rather heavily when I dashed down the front steps to the gate to get a better photo of our footpath 'river'. Hmmm, actually, now that I look at that, the 'river' was flowing BESIDE the footpath! We had about 180pts (45mm), which when added to the 120 pts (30mm) we had on Friday, makes a nice drop of rain - hope there's some more to come and hope some of this lot went into our dams!
And since it was so wet outside, it was perfect weather to curl up and do some stitching ... so that's what I did! Do you remember me showing your this photo a few weeks ago ...
I told you then it was the beginning of a quilt I'm making for a new Tag Along Teddies pattern. Well ... I've started adding some applique and thought I'd show you a sneaky peek ...
A girly bear!! Isn't she a sweetie!! I'm REALLY happy with how this quilt is coming together!! It may be taking a bit longer than I'd hoped (cos life keeps interfering!!) but I am very excited about how I think it will look when it's finished - stay tuned!
And speaking of tunes ... sort of!! I found time this afternoon to audition to be part of a theatre restaurant program which will be held in October. It's called "Murder At The Music Hall". During an evening's performance at the Music Hall, a member of the audience dies - dramatically and loudly! :0) It just so happens that a detective and his constable are in the audience and begin to investigate ... while the show goes on around them!! I've been cast in the role of "Big Lil" - Owner of the Music Hall.
According to the character list, "Lil is eccentric and flamboyant, but also a bit rough. She is a tough businesswoman who won't take any crap and can't be walked over!" Hmmm ... not sure I'm flattered to get this role!! Tee! Hee! Hee! Actually, I think it will be fun - Lil is described as a "Mae West" type character, so I get to vamp it up ... AND wear a feather boa!! Ah yes ... a long-held ambition of mine! Tee! Hee! Hee! I'll also be doing some singing in the Music Hall program, but that's being decided after Easter. So in the meantime, I'll just have to practice my 'come-hither' smile and Mae West's "Come up and see me some time" accent! Will keep you posted! :0)
Now that may seem enough to have kept me busy for the weekend, BUT ... I also spent some time revamping a number of my existing patterns into a slightly new (and I think better!) format, as well as preparing the "Girl Stuff" pattern for it's big launch. So stay tuned ... there will be a photo launch right here this week and of course, everyone knows that means ... A GIVE AWAY!!
OK, I think THAT was as much as I could fit into the weekend, and reading it back, I think I deserve a cup of tea and a 'feet up' sit down with a book! Hope you've had a productive weekend too and til next time - Bear Hugs!
PS. Pop over to see Julie at Provincial Patch if you want to see the two FABULOUS quilts she has made! I'm encouraging her to write the patterns, so if you like what you see - tell her you're waiting for the pattern! Tee! Hee! Hee! BH! KRIS
omg!! tell me what dates your show will be on and i will try to make it up the hill!!! maybe the lovely linda might join me... my god that would be soooo much fun.
love the rain but think i have had enough for now :)
big smooches
Hey Big Lil,
Congratulations on getting the part Kris. Sounds like a juicy role. What a nice way to round off the busy weekend.
Hope you have a quiet morning at work tomorrow so you can relax...giggle.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
WOW....congratulations. You are going to be a actor :) How fun.
And your new design is so cute. Love that bear.
the teddy looks really sweet peeking out of the fabric
Oh my.. You have to prepare us a little bit better for this.. you just cant go and be in a show ...and not tell us.. how do you think I´m going to find the time and money too book a flight...:O)))))
Ahh..well congrats anyway... tell hubby to make a movie so we all can se!!! :o)
You sure have been busy... acting and sewing... I just love the little peek of your girlie bear..:o)
Take care..
Ha!!Move over Big Lil, Remember Miss Candy Barr, saloon singer extraordinaire?! Sounds like lotsa fun, I wish I could be there!
Oh Kris, so many things I want to comment on on this post I had to quickly jump to comment form otherwise I get distracted by what other people write. OK
1. It is a big event this rain thing, I too have posted photos not once but twice this week of rainy days.
2. The water looks purple in that first photo.
3. Your bear quilt looks absolutely gorgeous....I love applique!
4. Wow...so proud of you auditioning and getting a part in the show, not just any part but a wonderful part...I would love to do something like that.
5. If you need any wardrobe help, just holler I am sure to have lots of 'useable things'.
6. When is the show? Please can I come and watch, I so want to see you and that sounds like fun!
7. Glad you had a lovely if not busy weekend,
Kiss Noises Linda Lilly
Ha!! I just read Roseys comment ( as I didn't read them first as I said) and I was going to suggest the same thing, that we both come up to play....great minds...Kiss Noises again Linda
Please can I have your autograph ? LOL ! Congratulations on your new role and your lovely quilt .
Oh, Kris - too much to absorb late at night - wow, an actress, too - congrats! Justlove that darling little bear - is it your design!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Kris, congratulations on getting a part in "Murder At The Music Hall".
It sounds like perfect casting! lol
Love your new quilt design, the colors are so cheery and the little teddy is really cute. Can't wait to see it finished.
A star is born for sure! congratulations, Lil. BTW, I love your new quilt design; the bear is absolutely adorable.
Hello Kris, this week has been a torrential rainin Milan, but since it is only at the beginning of spring and there is not drought, we did not need all this water ...
Congratulations for your part in the Musical, now I have a friend that she has a career as an actor, WOW!!
But you don't give up sewing, you are so able for these job :-)
Hugs and kisses
You're so fabulous - Big Lil - oh Kris, what fun!! Will you still remember us when you're famous???
Oh I love your little bear too, she's so sweet with her little lacy collar.
We are all so proud of you!!!!! Great quilt and yeah for the rain.
Got two little bindings done for my April finishes thank to you!!
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