Thursday, 23 April 2020
Throwback Thursday!
Sunday, 19 April 2020
Boredom Buster!
... This. Yes ... I've FINALLY managed to organise myself to put up the list of OPAM participants. YAY! 😜 So when you start to feel a bit twitchy, follow a link or two to visit some fellow OPAMers to see what they're creating & maybe leave an encouraging comment. It's a special thing to be part of a worldwide stitching family, isn't it?! 😁
Friday, 17 April 2020
Slacko Is Back!
I think this one is my favourite because the rainbow colours are so cheery ... & also satisfy my colour-freak hippie soul! 😂 ...
... But I also LOVE how these Tilda fabrics gave the stitchery a different look. Don't forget, if you'd like to make this set of handy drawstring bags, the pattern is now available from the Quilters Angel Marion & Steph also have a limited number of kits if you'd like to make the tote bag in these fun & funky Tilda fabrics. In fact, even though the doors of the bricks-&-mortar shop are shut, I know Marion & Steph have been hard at work behind the scenes to provide even MORE kits, BOMs & pre-cuts to keep everyone stocked up & stitching our way through the zombie apocalypse. 😜 I've already taken advantage of their phone order service & they're happy to do email & postal orders to anywhere in Australia. So do a virtual "pop in" & say g'day to them. 😁
Tuesday, 14 April 2020
Feel in' Groovy! LAHFA Block!
EDIT: There have been a few technical glitches with various platforms, apps & devices not talking to each other, so please be patient. For those looking for the pattern download on your phone, scroll to the bottom of this page & click on View Web Version under the Home button.Then click on the Love & Hugs logo on the left of the page, this should take you straight to the pattern. KRIS
Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend & I hope you’re ready to do some stitchin’, cos it’s my turn to share a block for the Love & Hugs From Australia Stitchalong … WOO! HOO!! I’m pretty excited about that & feel so blessed to be part of this wonderful initiative which is connecting stitchers worldwide during a time when we all need to be reminded that we’re not alone. A HUGE thanks to Natalie Bird of The Birdhouse Designs for gathering us together & big thanks to Nat & her merry band of admins who have been working hard to keep things running as smoothly as possible … which is NOT always an easy thing to do.
When Natalie invited me to be part of LAHFA, I was keen to be part of something spreading joy, fun & colour during a difficult time. I wanted my block to be fun & make people smile … which led to a couple of my favourite cute Combi vans & their link to the free-wheeling, peace, love & rock ‘N’ roll 60’s … my brother is always telling me I’m a leftover hippie! Tee! Hee! Hee! And as I started to sketch, the words of a Simon & Garfunkel song seemed like a timely reminder … “Slow down, you’re moving too fast … you’ve got to make this moment last … Feelin’ Groovy!” 😊
So as you stitch this block & the other GORGEOUS designs by the equally gorgeous & talented Aussie designers in this group, I hope it is a reminder to you to slow down & enjoy life’s journey wherever it takes you & I hope it leaves you … Feelin’ Groovy! 😊
To download my block you can click on the Love & Hugs logo on my sidebar … or pop over to the LAHFA Facebook page to follow the link & see what everyone else is up to with their stitching
After finishing my Groovy stitchery, I decided to take it a step further & design a project to showcase it … for those who don’t want to make their blocks into a quilt & … like me …LOOOOOVE a nice roomy bag to stash their stitching in. 😉 So, after scratching through my stash I made my stitchery into …
A Groovy rainbow Tote Bag! 😊 Obviously my heart needed a rainbow. 😉 But WAIT …there’s MORE!! I decided to make a second version of my Groovy Tote Bag, this time featuring some GORGEOUS Tilda fabrics. And since the only thing better than one handy drawstring bag is TWO handy drawstring bags, I designed a simple drawstring bag with a slightly different Groovy Combi stitchery to store your stitching necessities in.
The pattern & kits in these fun & funky Tilda fabrics are available NOW From The Quilters Angel. The doors to the bricks & mortar shop may be shut, but the Marvellous Marion & Stupendous Steph are working hard to provide online, email & phone orders for stitchers, so if you’re looking for more stitching supplies … or a kit for my “Feelin’ Groovy! Drawstring Bag set” 😉 … Pop over HERE to get shopping, then get stitching! 😊
And since I now have to toodle off to my grown up job to impersonate a responsible adult, I’ll sign off for now. I hope you all have a fantastic day. Stay well, stay safe, stay home, stay stitching … & stay GROOVY! 😉 Til next time …
Monday, 13 April 2020
Late Easter Greetings!
We had an Easter koala! 😁 Keith, our resident koala cutie, had been fairly vocal throughout the afternoon, but we hadn't seen him, until at about 4pm GB spotted Keith heading up one of the big gum trees at the back of our block. He was not overly impressed with the hoomans disturbing his efforts to attract a lady koala, but we always enjoy a sighting. 😁 We feel pretty blessed to have our very own neighbourhood koala.
Saturday, 11 April 2020
Easy-going Easter!
... Marinating some olives. My Dad's cousin & his wife have a loaded olive tree in their garden ... But they don't eat olives. 😜 So they offered us a few ... 3.5kg in fact. 😜 YUMMO! The process will take a few months, so its a good thing we're not hungry. 😝
OOPS! Running Late!
Thursday, 9 April 2020
Another Wascilly Wabbit!
Stay tuned. 😜
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
Somebunny Sending Love & Hugs From Australia!
And Autumn means Easter is almost here ... Our calendar pages are flicking over quickly, aren't they, as we all hope people do the right thing so life can return to 'normal' soon. It's also the time of year when every form of media us full of cheerful bunnies & chocolate ... Though here in Australia we also have Easter Bilbies popping up. 😜 If you're looking for a bunny that's not illegal (rabbits are a pest species in QLD) or fattening chocolate, then make sure you HOP across to the Love & Hugs From Australia Stitchalong page to catch up with today's stitchery block. Today's special designer is the lovely Leeanne Nell who I got to meet when she visited for Stitchers Dream Day last year (the year before?!? Hmmm!??) Leeane's block features a cute widdle wabbit & will undoubtedly take you to your happy place as you stitch it. 😉 Don't forget to scroll through the FB page to see the work of others from around the world who are stitching along. Make sure you leave some complimentary & encouraging comments, as this is the first stitching project for some ... & we all need a bit of extra encouragement at the moment, don't we? 😉
Tuesday, 7 April 2020
Challenges & Anni's Stitchalong Block!
I don't usually work with orange OR purple, so it will be interesting to see how I go with this ... You guessed it! ... Secret Squirrel project. 😝 You'll have to stay tuned. 😜
Monday, 6 April 2020
Next Block Ready For LAHFA!
Sunday, 5 April 2020
Gail's Got Ya Covered!
Saturday, 4 April 2020
LAHFA Block Two!
Friday, 3 April 2020
WOO! HOO! It's Time To Stitch!
Thursday, 2 April 2020
One More Sleep!
So many of my favourite Aussie designers are on that list & I'm honoured to have met a number of them in person, too. 😁 You can see my block is scheduled for release on Tuesday April 14. 😁
Wednesday, 1 April 2020
It's Almost Time!
Well ... I still can't show it to you ... Sorry to be a tease. 😂 But ... I CAN tell you what it's for. I'm so excited to have been invited to be part of a fun stitching event that launches of FRIDAY ...
Are you excited now, too??! 😁 I'll be back with more deets as we get closer & will also have updates on my Facebook page, so stay tuned! There is also a special FB page HERE that you can pop into to interact with others who are playing along. Trust me ... You don't want to miss this! 😁