(Hmmm, you can also see a small portion of my fantasy fiction collection!!) set the computer to play my Enya CD's ... and I SEWED!! It started out looking like this ...

Ooooooh! Bear bits!! Tee! He! Hee! Then after a few hours, it looked like this ... (WARNING: Sensitive viewers may wish too look away or scroll past very quickly as the following photo contains some nudity!) ...

Oh no!! A BARE BEAR! Tee! Hee! Hee! He's BEARY emBEARassed to be caught with his BARE BEAR bits showing!!! OK, I'm done with bad puns now - but BEARLY!! Tee! Hee! Hee! No, really, I'll restrain myself now! This little fellow is the bear that I've been putting off making for some time. He's the second version of my Morgan the Pirate Bear that I will be teaching in Gaynah next month - you now see the urgency to finish making the prototype and write the pattern instructions!! I have actually progressed quite a bit further than this now, but will keep you in suspenders a little longer before I reveal my handsome Johnnie Depp wannabe. Stay tuned!
Now although, as I said, I've been locked in my sewing room most of the past two days, I did come out long enough to find the winner of my 50th post prize draw. Now I know some of you clever chooks in blogland use the random number generator thingy (strangely, I'm starting to think this is the real name for said 'thingy' as it's the way most people refer to it!!) I, however, took a slightly lower-tech approach to drawing a winner ...

Yep! I REALLY did draw the names out of a hat! And a very patriotically Aussie hat it is, too, though a little beat up as it's actually my beloved Geek Boy's yard work hat. And yes, the hand holding the hat is GB, but he was in his daggy house clothes and refused to be photographed drawing the names - and they say women are vain!! Drum roll please .... And the winners are ...

In case you can't read the writing in the photo, Julia who commented on May 20 at 3:10am (Australian time I hope or what were you doing up so late, Julia!!) and the second winner is, Jeanne who was actually the lucky last person to leave a comment on May 24 at 2:06am (again, hope you weren't REALLY up that late!!) So, ladies, if you would like to email me with your snail mail addresses, along with your choice of Tag Along Teddies pattern, I'll pop your prizes in the mail this week. Remember, the prize was that you can choose your fave pattern from my web site, so get pickin'!!
Actually, I popped over to both of these ladies' blogs and you really should pop in for a visit too - lots of fun stuff to see and read about!! Isn't it fun making new friends all over the world!!
So ... that's about all I've been up to for the last couple of days, but I'll be back in a couple to show you the bare bear when he's no longer bare! It's all BEARY confusing!! On that note, I think it's time to sign off!! Hope you're all having a great weekend - I know Kerryanne has been very productive too, so check out what she's been up to! And til next time, Bear Hugs!
Hi Kris,
Your bear is looking beary cute. Can't wait to see him with his clothes on.
I always burn oil in my studio too. It really adds to the atmosphere and I think it is inducive to creativity. What's your favourite scent?
Hugs and jugs,
Dear Kris,
first: thank you SOOO much, you made my sunny sunday!!!! And I really like the idea of being chosen by hand out of a real hat ;o)
second: I BEARLY fell off my chair reading your post...LOL
third: your BareBear is adorable...can't wait to see him properly dressed, hehe...
fourth: it's REALLY hard to settle for a pattern...I finally reduced it to two of them (that was hard enough!)
fifth: hehe, no, I don't stay up that long...you're 8 h ahead (I've been searching for the exact time difference from Central Europe to Queensland)
Hugs from Germany,
Oh...that bear is sooo ...just sooo cute...will be seeing forward when he is finished... And congratulations to Julia and Jeanne!!!
Oh my. It's been a long time since I heard so many bear puns!
I think he's very cute undressed. But if you're doing a Johnny Depp with him, well, what can I say? Long Live Jack Sparrow Bear!
Hello to the overseas persons! And thank u to our generous hostess, who gives freely of her time and product to make life more fun.
Hi Kris,
A very cute little bear, can't wait to see what he looks like when he is all finished. Congrats to Julia and Jeanne.
Cheers Linda
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