Friday, 19 October 2018

Day Nine - Adelaide Hills!

Happy Friday to you all! At least that's what my phone is telling me! After nine days of holiday, traveling, time zone hopping, packing, unpacking & relocating ... You'll have to forgive us for being a bit vague on what day it is. :0) My Beloved Geek Boy & I start most days with a conversation about the day ... We've had a Monday, a Tuesday & a Wednesday, but I'm not sure I remember Thursday ... Oh that's the day we ... So it must be Friday. Tee! Hee! Hee!

While we'll probably continue to lose track of what day it is (that's one of the great joys of holidays, really!) our manic Meanderings should be a little less ... Well ... MANIC ... For the next week. Today we left Victor Harbour to head to my Aunt's place in the Adelaide Hills, where we'll base our adventures for a little over a week. And it was good timing, as it turns out, with a nasty cold front sweeping in today amidst dangerous wind warnings & grey skies ... Not good beach/harbour weather. :0)

After meeting my Aunt for lunch in Mt Barker, we followed her through the winding back roads to the 25 acre property she shares with her Sweetie & a small herd of alpacas & enjoyed looking out over rolling green hills ... Enjoyed looking from INSIDE cos the weather was nasty OUTSIDE! 

It's a very pretty view, but can you see how bent over those trees are in the wind?! ICK! So ... Tomorrow has been designated a stay-home-and-catch-up day ... We'll sleep in & catch up on some beauty sleep (I need all the help I can get!!), we'll catch up on the washing, I'll catch up on my emails & wait for the weather to improve a bit before we go adventuring again. Oh ... Did I mention we'll also catch up on our adventure-planning?! Tee! Hee! Hee!

Not hugely exciting today, but lovely to catch up with my Aunt & her Sweetie. I promise to pop in again soon with an adventure update ... Stay tuned. :0) I wish you all a safe & relaxing weekend ... Hope you're enjoying tales of two travelers. :0) Til next time ...




Marilyn said...

Keep warm and safe in that nasty weather. I think a quiet catch up day was definitely the way to go today.

Raewyn said...

Good timing, to be 'travel free' while the bad weather goes through. I'm sure you'll appreciate the down-time for a day or so.

Janice said...

What a lovely place to spend some time with family. I’m sure you enjoyed your downtime day. I think you were about due for one.

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