So ... what was the first thing to catch my eye?? A pair of shoes! BUT - not just ANY pair of shoes ...

LADYBIRD SHOES!! They followed me home - really, that's what happened! Tee! Hee! Hee! Oh, the actual ladybird in this photo didn't ... more on that later!!
So ... I had my ladybird shoes. On looking a little further, I found a wonderful red top that matched the shoes perfectly! So I'm now set for work on Monday!!
After doing a little more retail damage at The Body Shop, Deb went to collect her girls from school and I headed home to try to be 'good' and cross something off my 'to do' list. And I did! YAY ME!! Now, we're back to that ladybird! Do you remember me saying when I finished the ladybird mug bag that there was a second part to the pattern? Well, the ladybird is it!

Oh, look! There's two!! These little ladybirds are made from felt and have sequin and bead dots sewn to their backs. They can either be an extra decoration for the mug bag, a dotty brooch, or I imagine they'd look fabulous with a few friends crawling over some children's curtains. Here's a shot of them crawling around my dotty mug, to give you an idea of their size.

Aren't they cute? I was pleased with how they came up. I think I'm going to sit them in a couple of my china tea cups that are displayed around the house, so that when someone goes to have a cup of tea - SURPRISE!! Tee! Hee! Hee!
OH! And guess what I 'spotted' in my lounge room today?

A dotty dolly! Tee! Hee! Hee! Her name is Ruby and she is one of the wonderful Rosalie Quinlan's designs. Ruby was featured in an issue of "Homespun" magazine a year or so ago and I've made about five versions of her - this one for myself, a mint green version for my Mum and a few of varying colours for friends. The original tag message was "Dear Mummy, I love you", as it was a Mothers' Day issue of the mag and I made that one for Mum, but for mine and the ones for friends, they featured this wording from one of my fave Proverbs. I'm a little embarrassed to say, that I had to photoshop out some cobwebs on Ruby, which I hadn't seen in person, but showed up in the photo! Oops! Oh well, I'm creative, you can't expect me to be tidy too!! That's MY story and I'm sticking to it!
So ... now you see why I'm seeing red! Or perhaps my beloved Geek Boy was right after all and I really am going a bit ... DOTTY!!! Tee! Hee! Hee!
I shall sign off for now, but don't forget to leave a comment on my 50th post (if you haven't already) to go into the prize draw for your choice of one of my patterns, which you can check out on my web site. It's been lovely to meet new blogging friends and I hope this has rid them of their shyness and they will comment more often! Til next time, Bear Hugs! (JUGS Kerryanne! Tee! Hee! Hee!)
Hi Kris,
the shoes are so cool, I love them - and you're lucky that your 'grown up' job allows you to wear them...the white polka dots on bright red: just perfect ;o)
Keep being dotty,
I'm with Geek Boy, I think u might be going dotty! But since that's not a bad way to be, enjoy it, say I. The shoes are groovy!
your shoes are just so cute and your bugs are very sweet
Keep being dotty it looks like fun
Hugs Beth the are right I have loads of things I want to do in my holidays...but I think I need a planned approach so I don fluff around and get nothing today I will make a plan while I am at the footy watching Mark play....lovely day .... sunny but quite chilly....we went to get a load of wood this morning - i had to go incognito...I was wearing my daggy trackies and old top....eeeeuuwww ..... It was early so i think I escaped detection.....LOL princesses usually don't do wood carting!!
Hey Kris, I made Ruby for my mum too. My girls gave it to her for a Mother's Day present and I stitched "we love you Nana" on the tag.
It hangs in her kitchen and everyone always comments on it. I try to incorporate something very personal on projects like that - perhaps a poem written on the apron or a hand stitched message from the kids. It makes the item all the more special.
Happy sewing this weekend,
Thanks for stopping by my blog Kris. Where did you get those red dotty shoes? LOVE THEM. Love those ladybugs too.
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