Hello to all of my blogging buddies! We're back from our two weeks' beach break and gradually easing ourselves back into 'real life' - bit hard, to be honest! Tee! Hee! Hee! I know a few of you were probably thinking I'd fallen off the edge of the planet, but you couldn't be that lucky!! I had great intentions of keeping up with my blogging and visiting other blogs whilst on holidays to keep abreast of what was happening in blogland, but it didn't happen. Although my beloved Geek Boy had his laptop with him, he rarely relinquished it - how rude! He'd mutter something about holidays being his only chance to get stuck into his programming and a new venture he's working on (more about this when he's done, as many of my blogging buddies may find it interesting!!) and tell me that, yes, I'd received two emails, but they didn't need a reply, or he'd 'summarise' what the email said! Hmmm ... not really the most reliable way for me to get my messages!! So, when I got home I found my in box full to overflowing, not to mention the list of posts from blogs I've added to my RSS feeds threatening to take over the in box! Phew! A couple of hours later, I've finally caught up with you all - I think!! In the next few days, I'll gradually pop in to my usual blog haunts for a cyber visit, but thought today would be just a quick post (well ... as quick as I get!!) to let you all know I'm back in the land of the blogging.
I've got HEAPS of photos from our holidays, but haven't had a chance to put them on the computer and get them ready to post, so I'll gradually share these with you in the next few days. However, while I was away, my blogging buddy Kerryanne at
Shabby Art Boutique tagged me (Dang! Too slow to escape again! Tee! Hee! Hee!) to answer seven lots of seven questions, so I thought that might be a good way to ease back into blogging after my break. So ... here goes! For those of you who've been popping in for a while, some of these things won't come as a surprise, but you never know, I might just turn out to be a woman of mystery ... or not! Tee! Hee! Hee!
Here goes:
7 things I plan to do before I die:1. Avoid dying for as long as possible cos the list of things I want to do before I die is just tooooooooooo long to rush! Tee! Hee! Hee!
2. Travel to Scotland and Ireland.
3. Finish writing/publish at least one of the handful of novels I have partly written - romantic/thriller, fantasy fiction, kids books - too many ideas, not enough time!
4. Own a Bed and Breakfast that features lots of 'alternative' industries like having alpacas, olives, hand made cheese (from the milk from the 'heeland coos' Highland cows, I intend to own!), as well as a craft studio to host retreats, a stone chapel and reception hall to host weddings and extensive cottage gardens for wedding photos and just because I looooooove them!!! Why dream SMALL!!
5. Go hang gliding - I LOOOOOOOVE flying and have tried helicopter, hot air balloon, tigermoth, microlight, Cessna ... would be good to finish that list with hang gliding!
6. Compile a coffee table book that combines craft patterns, gorgeous photographs of bears and cottage gardens, yummy recipes, fun poems and trivia bits.
7. Make a positive difference in the lives of as many people as possible!
7 things I do now:1. Avoid housework as much as possible!
2. Read just about any written material I can get my hands on, especially crime/adventure/suspense novels and craft magazines.
3. Draw bears - lots of bears, all kinds of bears!! - and play with fabric to bring said bears to life! "It's ALIVE!!!!" (Sorry! Dr Frankenstein moment!!)
4. Get paid to sit in a heated/air conditioned office and chat to wonderful residents at a retirement village.
5. Blogging!
6. Belly Dancing (not as much as I was or would like to be doing, but still from time to time - I know, that's likely to keep you awake with nightmares tonight! Tee! Hee! Hee!)
7. Making new friends and enjoying the company of established friends as often as possible!
7 things I can't do1. Resist buying yummy fabric, DVDs and books!
2. Anything involving numbers or mathematics - no matter how hard I try! My brain is number-resistant!!
3. NOT laugh!! I seem to have taken after my Nan and my Dad who are both remembered for their distinctive laughs and we all seem to see the funny side of most situations - even when other people DON'T! Tee! Hee! Hee! See!! I can't even stop when I'm writing!!
4. Follow a recipe without making SOME changes - either leaving stuff out, replacing ingredients or just adding things that seem like a good idea at the time! Thankfully, I'm a GOOD if unpredictable cook!!
5. Resist caramel tarts .... Mmmmmmmm .... Caramel!!!!
6. I'm with Kerryanne on this one - I can't stop talking! In high school, my best buddy Lynette and I would walk into the class room and the teachers would promptly send us to opposite sides of the room to stop us talking! Mind you - I prefer to think of myself as a 'prolific and effective communicator'!! :0)
7. Wear a mini skirt!! This is NOT a good look AT ALL!!! Gave up in year 8 after seeing a photo of myself in a mini skirt!! My short, podgy legs were meant to be COVERED!!
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex.OK, most of these apply to my beloved GB, but some are unattained preferences - after all, I'm MARRIED, not BLIND or DEAD, so of course I LOOK, I just don't intend to ACT!! Tee! Hee! Hee!
1. Blue, blue eyes! Especially when paired with dark hair - love that Black Irish look! (My beloved has the nicest baby blues and dark hair!!)
2. Cute tushie (Yep, GB ticks that box too!)
3. Slightly warped sense of humour (Tick!)
4. The ability to laugh at himself (Tick!)
5. Musical talent of some kind (GB plays guitar BEAUTIFULLY - Tick!)
6. Honesty & openness (Tick, tick!)
7. Smooth, muscled chest - not body-builder muscles, outdoor work muscles (Ti... hmmm ... Oh well! Six out of seven ain't bad! Tee! Hee! Hee!)
7 things I say most often1. I'm a GOOD girl, I am!! (No one seems to believe me, so I have to KEEP saying it!!)
2. You're such a BOY! (said to Scott, my boss, Tony who I work with, my brother Paul, my Dad ... hmmm, most guys, actually when they do something especially 'boy-like;!!)
3. I've been thinking ...! (Scott usually cringes at this one cos he says it invariably costs him time or money - or BOTH!!)
4. No worries! (my bush/outback upbringing!)
5. Someone stole my jammies! (Not sure how this happens, but no matter where I THINK I've taken my jammies off, they're never there when I go to put them back ON! I think the bears move them!)
6. I was a bit BAD ...!
7. I love you! To my friends and family at every opportunity so that there is never ANY doubt that they know I love them!
7 celebrities I admireHmmm, can't say there are too many, really. Will really have to put my thinking cap on!!
1. Cliff Richard - not only does he still manage to look hot at 60-something, he does a tremendous amount of charity work and has always openly admitted and shared his Christian faith - even when it could have hurt his career and he was advised against it.
2. Like Kerryanne, I admire Olivia Newton John for her bravery in facing Cancer, then encouraging other people to be more aware of their health and wellness (not always the same thing!), as well as her work for the environment and other charities. Oh yeah, and she can sing!!
3. Lady Dianna - although I'm not a royalist by any stretch of the imagination, I admired the way Dianna worked tirelessly to raise awareness of, and funds for, needs that were not always 'politically correct' (ie. AIDS research and care facilities, land mine clearance)
4. Anthony Warlow - I fell in love with his voice (OK and his looks, too!!) when I saw him in 'Guys & Dolls' when I was a teenager, but like Olivia, I admire his strength and determination in fighting cancer and then doing everything he can to raise awareness and funds for cancer research and support services. Plus, I love his warped sense of humour!!
5. Author Nora Roberts - her imagination seems limitless and she manages to write in so many different styles and genres. I particularly like her mystery/romances that have a little hint of 'otherworldly' about them!!
6. Author Barbara Johnson - for her ability to come through horrible & multiple personal losses with a sense of humour and the wisdom and strength to encourage other hurting people to use humour as a tool of healing.
7. My Mum and Dad! They may not be 'celebrities' to the world at large, but they've always been there for me with unconditional love, support, encouragement and a sense of humour to nurture me (and my brother!) to grow to be who I am today - even when they don't quite UNDERSTAND me! Tee! Hee! Hee!
7 favorite foods...
Uh oh!! Seven is not NEARLY enough to list my favourites!! Which would probably explain my 'Rubenesque' figure! Tee! Hee! Hee!
1. Caramel - anything really, that includes caramel!!
2. Mum's silverside with white sauce and veges - YUM!
3. Mum's Lemon delicious pudding and custard - YUM! YUM!
4. Seafood - especially prawns, scallops, barramundi and mud crabs!
5. Chicken - cooked just about any way you can think of, as long as it's chicken!
6. Summer fruit - mango, watermelon, rockmelon, cherries, lychees
7. Mum's sticky date pudding with rich butterscotch sauce and custard! (Are you getting the impression that my Mum is a good cook? SHE IS! Tee! Hee! Hee!)
And finally ...
7 people I tag to do this:Hmmm, Ok. Bit stumped now.
Kerryanne stole at least one of mine ...
1. Birdhouse Linda at
Many Things To Do2. Melly of
Melly & Me designs3. Nat of
Natalie Ross In Stitches (That's usually what her posts keep me in - she's a funny lady!
4. Jo of
Vintage Lane Stitches5. Peg at
Happy In Quilting6. Dorothy at
Dorothy Baker Designs ... and ...
7. Liz at
Teddlywinks Now, ladies, I know some people don't like to do the tagged thing, so if any of you want to skip it, that's cool, I won't be at all offended (just a little curious as to what you're NOT telling us! Tee! Hee! Hee!) And for those of you who haven't visited these wonderful creative women yet, do make yourself a cuppa and pop in to visit them - I can guarantee you'll enjoy yourself!
Well, now that I've finished my 'short' post (?!?!?!) I shall sign off. I promise that I will get my holiday photos sorted in the next few days and share them with you. I also have a few exciting things in the designing pipeline, so will share that too ... oh dear! So many things to do and share, not NEARLY enough time or play money! Tee! Hee! Hee! Til next time, Bear Hugs!