Hello! Hello! How are all of my bloggy buddies doing this week? I hope you’re keeping well & achieving more in your sewing room than I have been. 😜 It seems we’ve reached the social craziness part of our year with lots of outings, catch-ups & events happening or about to happen. This makes for lots of fun, but boy is it exhausting! 🤣
One of the recent social outings was a Girls Night In (though it was held during the day) as part of the October fundraising campaign for the Cancer Council . This lovely girly gathering was hosted by Miss Wendy, who is one of our Friday night stitching gals. There were lots of yummy things to eat & pretty china from which to eat them …

And lovely ladies to share it with …

… Including the
GAWJUS Gail. Gail is another of our Friday night stitchers, who moved towns last year, but came back for the weekend.

It might surprise you to hear that we often end up on the Naughty Table together … we’re partners in mischief! Tee! Hee! Hee! Thanks to Wendy for being the hostess with the mostest! Donations for the fundraiser totalled
$913 -
WOW! About half the amount was raised through donations at the high tea, with the remainder being proceeds from a raffle. The raffle prize was an ex-sample quilt donated by Marion & Steph of the Quilters Angel. 🥰
Two of the upcoming events on my calendar are also high teas, that I will be hosting, so I’ve been …

… spring cleaning & washing my pretty china, as well as …

… using it as an excuse to gather
MORE pretties from Marketplace! 🤣

I’ve also done some procrasti-baking. 😜 You know … when you have things you should be doing but bake instead! 😂 These coconut raspberry slices & a few other sweetie-treaties are now tucked away in the freezer so I’m not in a complete state of chaos when the high teas roll round … just a moderate state of chaos! Tee! Hee! Hee!
Now … even though my sewing has been gathering dust, I’m sure many of you have been creating up a storm, so don’t forget to update your sidebar lists & email your OPAM tallies to me … I’ll be updating the spreadsheet in the next few days.
And that’s it from me for today. I’m off to find a lunch-snack … we’re out to dinner with friends tonight so don’t want to have too much for lunch. 😜 Take care, stay safe & keep smiling! 😊 Til next time …