Hello! Hello! Yes, I'm still here & haven't been abducted by the invading aliens that I suspect are the next thing to be thrown at us on the 2020 Apocalypse Bingo Card! π I've just been super busy with my grown up job, madly writing pattern instructions for a deadline (will share soon - promise!) as well as the usual craziness that is life in the Meares' Madhouse. But ... The best thing that's kept me busy in the last couple of weeks was getting ready for the annual Stitchers Dream Day Out, hosted by the Marvellous Marion & Stupendous Steph of
The Quilters Angel And since it took place last weekend, I can now share some pics. So ... Brace yourself,
Chookyblue & everyone grab a cuppa, cos there are quite a few photos to share.
Stitchers Dream Day is my favourite stitching event for the year & with the zombie apocalypse continuing, it wasn't a certainty this year, but Marion & Steph were determined to provide a big splash of stitching happiness in the midst of 2020's upheaval, so they spent WEEKS jumping through all the hoops needed to run the event in a Covid compliant way, while still making it fun & full of surprises for us all. And what a fantastic job they did! π

Everything was a bit more spread out thus year, but still pretty & fun.

And of course my Bestest-Buddy-Since-We-Were-Nine Lynette came up the 'hill' to play. π

And repeat offenders Felicity & Bec were back to join the fun ... & they brought show & tell! Both had finished the project I designed for Girls' Stitch In back in March!
WOW! They did a lovely job ... & it was great to catch up with friends from away. π

Another familiar face, Michelle, brought her finished version of my "Old Ted" wall hanging to show me. Doesn't it look great? Michelle & her daughter have made a few of my designs now & it's always fun to see their versions in different colours with little variations that personalise
them. And speaking of different fabrics ...

... Kerrie-Anne made her version of my "Spread Sunshine" bag from Girls' Stitch In up in more Autumn-y colours ... Isn't it fun to see how different fabrics change the look of a project?

Another familiar face, the Lovely Lesley, brought her version of my "Life Is Good" bag for show & tell. This was another Girls' Stitch In project from a few years ago. I use my own version as my sewing bag because it's really roomy ... & pretty. π

Loretta brought her "Life Is a Good" bag, too.

I can't remember this lovely lady's name (Sorry!!) but she had done a wonderful job of creating "Spread Sunshine". (Did I mention how much I
LOVE that range of Tilda fabrics?!)

Bev got a little creative & turned her "Spread Sunshine" stitchery into a project folder ... I should have taken a photo of the inside. And she also changed the accompanying tablet pouch into ...

... A tablet cover. I so enjoy it when people use my patterns as a starting point for their own creativity.
Designers for SDDO this year were Debbie McGee & Nikki Tervo. Sadly, Debbie had to pull out at short notice due to illness, though she sent her projects along to keep people stitching. And it was great to catch up with Nikki & her hubby John over the weekend.
A HUGE THANK YOU to Marion & Steph for persevering through extremely difficult circumstances (fabrics not arriving until a week before, threads not arriving at all & having to be changed, pages & pages of forms & outlined plans filled out to meet Covid guidelines, restrictions on food serving, bottles & bottles of sanitiser ... To name just a few challenges!) to host this fun & relaxing weekend for us to enjoy.
Now ... usually this is where I'd share photos of the projects that were designed especially for SDDO ...
BUT ... I'm not going to! π You see, Marion & Steph know that lots of lovely stitching friends were unable to come & play this year due to travel & border restrictions so ... They are offering two Mystery Packs over on their website. One of the fun elements of SDDO is knowing that your gift bag will contain four bot-yet-released patterns, the pre-printed stitchery design for one of those patterns & the fabric pack to make it up, as well as a few little gifties & goodies. And that's what the mystery packs include. So, if you'd like a bit of stitching mystery & fun surprise in your life, pop over
HERE to check the packs out ... But be quick because packs are limited. And I won't share pics yet because it would spoil the surprise. π
WHEW! So ... That's my reason for being a bit absent from blogland & why I'm late with the August OPAM roundup. At least that's my story & I'm sticking to it! π Thank you to everyone who emailed their tallies through ... Much appreciated. So after adding & blog hopping, the August tally was ...
WOW! Think of all the space there is in sewing cupboards around the world now. π And the random draw winner is ...
Congrats Joanne! Drop me an email & I'll send your prize. Well done to all of you who had finishes for the month & to those who made some progress on longer term projects. Right now, though, I think I've earned a cup of tea, so I shall sign off ... But I'll be back soon with some VERY exciting news ... So stay tuned! π Stay safe, stay well, keep stitching & keep smiling. π Til next time ...