Hello there! I hope you all had a relaxing Easter. GB & I enjoyed the quiet time at home, though I confess the public holidays & short weeks have scrambled my mental calendar & derailed my sewing mojo ... but the extra sleep-ins were nice! π
As a result of the missing mojo (sounds like a Nancy Drew adventure! π) there hasn’t been much sewing, stitching or designing going on, but the mild autumn weather has seen GB & me out in our garden. While a lot of our energy has gone to weed-taming after our recent lovely rain, we have also been enjoying the abundance of colour & growth in our back yard. With no sewing pics to share, I thought I’d share some garden sneaky-peekies instead. π

The marigolds have sprung up in huge numbers & are currently spreading autumn cheer near our back steps. Some people aren’t fond of marigolds because of their pungent scent, but I love the cheerful splash of colour they bring to the garden & that they attract beneficial insects to our yard. These have all grown from seeds Mum collected for me from her garden, along with some nasturtiums that are a bit overshadowed by the marigolds. I’m hoping that now they’re established, these cheerful chaps will come back season after season ... I love self-seeding cottage garden flowers. π

The Mexican Sage is so pretty at the moment, with its grey foliage & bright pinky-purple flower spikes. Best of all, it’s survived our extended drought period & is tough as old boots ... pretty boot, though! π

And proving you can be productive wherever you find yourself planted ... we have a very healthy pumpkin vine emerging from our compost bin that has about 10 pumpkins of varying sizes on it. This is the biggest & it should be ready to pick just in time for pumpkin soup cooking. π Funnily enough, the two pumpkin vines I purposely planted in our fruit & vege patch haven’t yielded any pumpkins ... go figure!

And our strawberry plants have thrown out some runners, which have been snipped & planted out according to Gardening Australia instructions. There are even a few fruiting flowers on the older plants ... hence the mesh covering to keep the were-rabbits out ... Wallace & Gromit fans understand! π Actually ... the mesh is more to stop our resident persnickety possum, Percy, & the cheeky king parrots ... but that doesn’t sound as exciting as were-rabbits, does it?! π€£

And as spent plants are pulled out or given a hard prune back, I’ve collected some seed for next season. Do you save seeds? I’m new to doing so, so it will be interesting to see my success ... or otherwise. π We’ve also dug over the vege beds & planted some snow pea seeds, with hopes of adding some more crops next weekend ... rain & other commitments meant it didn’t happen this weekend.
So that’s been taking my time in recent weeks, rather than sewing ...but I know many of YOU have been playing in your creative spaces because I’ve just completed the March OPAM hop around. There were ...
... for March. WOW! Well done everyone! And well done to those who made some progress on some long term projects, too. The winner of the random draw prize is ...
Congrats, Christine! Drop me an email & I’ll send your PDF pattern prize. But right now, I think it’s time for a hot drink to stave off the cool air that’s drifting in as the sun starts to go down, so I’ll wish you all a wonderful week. π Til next time ...