Hey-ho! Here we are at the end of day 3 of our road trip ... This is actually the second time I've written this, thanks to a blog ap that kicked me off for no particular reason. 🙄 So ... Cranky blog aps aside, it's been a good day & the polar opposite of our first two travel days. It was half the travel time of our last two nine hour driving days & instead of flat, dusty red/brown mile of not-very-much, it was green, lush farmland or treed hills ...
NICE! 😁 So, we began the day where we left off (funnily enough!) ... At Swan Hill, where we overnighted ... If you want to know a motel in Swan Hill to
NOT stay at, I can help you! 🙄 Before we hit the road we stopped for a chat with a larger-than-life local ...

Meet Mr Murray Cod. 😜 Swan Hill is on the banks of the Murray River (hence our fishy friend's name! Tee! Hee! Hee!)

Now you can read all about Mr Cod. 😉 Then it was time to get motoring, heading further south & starting to follow the advice of all the old western movies ... Head west! 😁 Our trek took us through the home town of a dear friend from our time in Bourke who passed away two years ago ... The town of Donald. Now on our first visit to the pretty country town some years ago, we had fits of giggles at the tourism slogan the town used ...

It's a bit hard to see, but, yes ... The sign says, "Welcome to Donald ... Duck Country". 😂 Apparently wildlife hunting is one of the attractions of the area. Run, Donald! Run! 😂 Slightly odd tourism slogans aside, we enjoyed pretty country scenery, picturesque country towns & fabulous historic buildings. One that particularly caught my eye was ...

A sweet little church at Cavendish. I just loved the combination of lush green grass, huge gum trees, old building & the golden wattle bush to the right. It was such a peaceful spot. And down the road a bit further we came across a sign ...

The third state border in three days was crossed & we're into South Australia & tucked up in a motel in Mt Gambier for the night ... One I
WOULD recommend. 😉 There's a bit of a story behind our re-visit to Mt Gambier ... When we planned our visit here last year, there were two sights we particularly wanted to see ... The sinkhole garden & the Blue Lake Mt Gambier is best known for. Well ... Like the best laid plans of mice & men ... Things didn't quite work out. You see, the Blue Lake gets its stunning colour through the reflection of the sky & of course when we visited the weather was grey, overcast & rainy. Typical of our holiday weather really. 😝 And when we asked a tourist officer how to find the sinkhole garden ... They pointed us to the wrong, much smaller attraction.
SIGH! So when planning this trip, we included Mt Gambier on our itinerary especially to revisit these two places. So of
COURSE when we arrived the weather was ... Grey, overcast & cold. 😜 Here's hoping the sun comes out tomorrow. 😁
But right now I'm ready to head for bed ... I think! Our body clocks are a bit messed up with the crossover to our third time zone ... We're never quite sure whether we've gained or lost time ... Here's hoping we work it out by the time we get home! Tee! Hee! Hee! More adventures tomorrow. Til next time ...