Thursday 31 October 2019

Day 14 Of The 2019 Road Trip!

Hello, hello! How is everyone today? GB & I are a little weary as we were back on the road today. We're gradually making our way home to QLD over the next few days because they insist that we have to go back to being grown ups next week. SIGH! 

So this morning we bid farewell to the Adelaide Hills to head north, but took time to check out one more attraction along the way ...

A giant rocking horse. It's a bit hard to see in the pic, but below the front leg there's a normal size rocking horse to compare it to. You wouldn't want to fall off! 😜 Then it was driving, driving ...

... Til we crossed another state border back into NSW. We're in Broken Hill for two nights ... Which is a bit confusing because even though we're in NSW, we're still on South Australian time. Not seeing the logic ... But then again, day light savings doesn't make any sense to me. 😜 We're looking forward to seeing a couple of sights we missed last visit & catching up with GB's friends. And tomorrow I'll share some pics of the cute cottage we're staying in. 😁 

But right now, the kettle is singing my song. Til next time ...




My Arty-Farty Happy Place said...

That rocking horse is something else isn't it Kris? I managed to climb up it except for the last bit when we visited it last year. Don't mind Broken Hill either - over on the south side is a 50's style milkbar, you may like to check it out if you have time. Real old fashion milkshakes in the aluminium shakers. No matter what though, have a safe trip home, and take care.

Janice said...

You’re making me jealous.

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