Well ... Somehow the week has just about slipped by me again ... That seems to keep happening! It feels like life is a bit of a marry-go-round at the moment that just keeps going around & around, with a few ups & downs thrown in to keep us unbalanced. And to make it worse, my Beloved Geek Boy & I had originally planned to be on holiday now, but both of our grown up jobs going through some changes has put that on hold. SIGH! So what do you do when you wake up on a Saturday morning that SHOULD be the first day of your holiday ... But isn't? Why ... You go on a mini road trip, of course, kind of a Claytons holiday ... The holiday you have when you're not having a holiday. :0)
We put on our walking shoes, filled the water bottles, jumped in the Triton & off we went ... Heading east. There's something quite soothing about going for a long drive through pretty scenery when you don't have a timetable to keep to, don't you think? After winding our way down the 'hill' ... We climbed another 'hill' & found ourselves at Montville just in time for a late lunch ...
MMMMMMMMMM! TASTY! And the fresh seafood pasta was yummy too! Tee! Hee! Hee! And the bonus was ...
... This view!
Magical, isn't it?! :0) After our delicious lunch, we decided we needed a good walk ...
... Along the beach at Mooloolaba. It really was a glorious Autumn day. Look at the colour of the sky & the water ... Beach magic. :0) We enjoyed walking right out to the end of the walkway ...

... And enjoyed a different perspective of the beach. We had a bit of a funny moment while resting at the end of the rock wall ... It's a bit hard to see in the photo, but we could see a flotilla of canoes pulled up on the sand & as we stood there, loud tribal drumming came pounding out over the water. GB looked at me & said ... "Uh! Oh! Canoes, wild tribal drums ... This scenario never ends well for bystanders in the movies!" Tee! Hee! Hee! However, we took our chances & retraced our steps ... Discovering some Hawain dancers entertaining participants of some kind of regatta. We kept heading back to our starting point ... A round trip of about 9km ... My Fitbit was VERY happy with me! :0) And to reward ourselves, we visited our favourite gelato spot we discovered when we were on holiday last year ...
... & ate it as we watched the sun go down & the waves washed in. We literally felt ourselves relaxing. BLISS!
Aren't those colours magnificent? Sadly we had to climb back into the Triton & head home again, but it was lovely Claytons holiday.
Then Sunday brought a couple more Claytons holiday highlights. We started the day with an early visit to the annual Hampton Food Festival.
Being early meant crowds were manageable ... A plus for GB who's not a crowd fan. :0)
I had to get a snap of this cute retro caravan coffee stall. I LOOOOOOVE that aqua colour!
We checked out the art display, where one of my clever workmates had a piece on display, stocked up on some of our fave local produce, before toddling off to meet Mum & Dad at church. After the service we trundled down the hill again for a deferred Mothers' Day lunch outing at the Nash Gallery Cafe ... I can recommend it. :0)
GB admired a vintage Rolls on our way in.
Here's Mum & me about to dig into a DELICIOUS piece of barramundi with fresh salad. Followed by ...
... White chocolate & raspberry cheesecake ... YUMMO!
So ... That was the weekend we had instead of having the first weekend of our holiday. Ah well ... It will come around, we just need to wait a few more months until both of our work situations settle ... The countdown begins again. SIGH!
So ... What have you been up to? I hope you've been finding opportunities to stop, breath & appreciate the scenery. I'll be back with some sewing catch ups soon ... I promise. :0) Til next time ...