I know it's Tuesday ...
ALREADY!!! ... and not the weekend like my heading says, but it has taken me a couple of days to catch up. I feel a bit like a little saying I came across today while looking for something else in my files ...
"Good news!! I'm now only TWO weeks behind!"
Tee! Hee! Hee! Story of my life ... but I digress!! :0)
OK ... so after our impromptu road trip the weekend before, my Beloved Geek Boy and I had planned a quiet weekend of playing catch up and doing a bit of kicking-back-and-relaxing. Hmmm ...
THAT didn't happen! :0) First interruption to the kick-back-and-relax plan was the decision to toodle off to a couple of different hardware stores to see what we could see that might help us in some upcoming renovations. You really can spend
HOURS wandering around stores like Masters and Bunnings, can't you?! :0) And on the way, we passed a local pine furniture manufacturer and I decided to pop in to see if I could find a storage solution for my collection of winter woollies ... you all know how I
HATE to be cold! :0) I love our Federation Cottage, but being around 100 years old, it doesn't have built in storage so we're always looking for ways to store our 'stuff'. After a
VERY enlightening wander around the warehouse (oh so many lovely pieces of furniture that would look fabulous in our house!!) I found what I needed ...
A chest. I know it looks so plain at the moment that no self-respecting pirate would attempt to bury treasure in it, but I'm going to paint it white and maybe decorate it in some vaguely French-inspired way ... still thinking about that one ... suggestions accepted! :0) I seem to be spending quite a lot of time wielding a paintbrush this year, don't I? :0)
The second interruption to the kicking-back was a call from GB's sister to see if we'd like to watch a DVD with them that night. OK! :0) Hmmm ... may have wished I'd asked more about the movie first!!! It was great to catch up with them a bit (between movies!) but I did NOT realise that the movie (chosen by GB's BIL) was a sci-fi/horror. EEK! Needless to say ... I watched quite a bit of the action from under my blankie!!! My nerves are NOT made of steel ... in fact, they're more like nerves of wet noodles! :0) Once upon a time I LOVED horror movies, but the older I get, the more vivid my imagination seems to get. I'll just stick to some nice shoot-em-up-blow-em-up adventures! :0)
So ... late to bed after movie marathon (and time spent checking to ensure that hostile aliens hadn't joined the monster-in-the-cupboard!!!). And an early phone call (7:15am is early for our household on a Sunday!) from someone wanting to know what I was doing today for lunch? ... was I free? ... did I have plans? ... did I even know who I was talking to??? Er ... no ... sort of ... maybe ... 42 ...
CHOOKYBLUE??? I am not the most coherent person when I first wake up! :0) It turned out that
Chooky and Mr Chooky were passing through Toowoomba on their way to Brisbane and hoped to arrive here about lunch time. After managing to shake a few cobwebs loose from my sleepy brain, we made it a date. :0)
After a bit more of a doze, a strong cup of coffee and a few texts back and forth, it was arranged that the Fabulous
Fiona and I would meet
Chooky at
Quilters Angel ... such a hardship for us all! :0)

Here we are, browsing through the gorgeous fabrics at my
Home-Away-From-Home. Steph took a happy-snappy for us ... Thanks Steph! :0) Oh ... would you look at that! There's one of my quilt designs in the background! :0)
After drooling over pretty fabrics for a while, we joined Mr Chooky and Fairygirl for lunch and a chat. What a lovely way to spend a Sunday lunch time. :0) Thanks for popping in,
Chooky! Lovely to catch up again ... and lovely to meet Mr Chooky and Fairygirl, too. And it goes without saying that it's always lovely to catch up with Miss
Fiona! :0)
So ... that was my VERY busy, unplanned weekend. Just think how exhausted I'd be if I'd actually PLANNED something! Tee! Hee! Hee!
Right ... well it's getting colder as the afternoon goes on ...
AGAIN!!! SIGH!!! So I'm off to play Polly and put that kettle on for a hot drink of some kind. And perhaps I'll start to do some blog-hopping while I sip cos OPAM gals ... it's a new month!! Have you emailed your June tally to
Sweet Peg or me? Make sure you update those sidebar lists and email us, please. Even if you are a bit busy with school holidays and don't have time to blog at the moment, a quick email to
Sweet Peg or me will have you updated on our spreadsheet and going into the random prize draw. It's
Sweet Peg's turn to do the draw, so stay tuned! Oh ...
Karen S and
Cyn ... I still haven't received snail mail addresses from you from the last two prize draws that I did (March and May), so if you'd like to claim your prizes, please email me this week or the prizes will go back into the pool.
That's really all from me today now. Hope you're all enjoying your week so far and managing to set aside some time just for YOU to do some super-stitching, creative contemplating or just plain daydreaming. Even if you think you're too busy, I bet you'll find that if you take even half an hour or so just for yourself that it will recharge your batteries and help you get ready to tackle the other things on your "To Do" list. :0) Til next time ...