As the end of the month crept towards me, I kept looking at my sidebar list of OPAM Challenge finishes and the big fat ZERO for July was making me sweat!! Thankfully, I managed to get my act together this week and finished two projects - YAY!! The first was my "Fairy Bears & Butterflies" quilt. I got it back from Rosalie and once again, she has done a FANTASTIC job on the quilting!!! So then I had to fight my way into the sewing room (still piles of kitchen 'stuff' piled in there waiting for the kitchen to be completely finished!) and stitched on the binding. Wanna see the finished result??? If not, you'll just have to scroll past, cos I'm going to show you anyway! Tee! Hee! Hee!

Ta Da!!! I got Rosalie to again use the butterfly meander in the centre of the quilt, since butterflies crept into this design, too (Rosalie says I have to pick something different next time or people will think she can only quilt in the butterfly meander pattern and she has 100's to pick from! Tee! Hee! Hee!) and she quilted a cool, loopy daisy along the borders that looks GREAT!! Thanks Rosalie!! The binding is a pretty stripey fabric I got from Marian at my home-away-from-home, Quilters Angel and picks up several of the colours from the quilt fabrics. I LOVE how it's come up and now just have to write the destructions ... er ... I mean the INSTRUCTIONS! Tee! Hee! Hee! As I said to Marion, I may self-DESTRUCT before I finish writing the INSTRUCTIONS! :0) Will make a start on the weekend, so stay tuned for the pattern release and, of course, a give away in the next couple of weeks.
The second finish for July was a little wall hanging from my "Love Bears All" pattern, which features a cool laser-cut timber button that Lisa at Button Bliss made for me from one of my little signature bear sketches. Here it is ...

This was a little house-warming gift for Miriam of Bubba Chenille because she and Mr Bubba have bought a new house down the range a bit and in amongst her running around to craft markets, Miriam will be packing and re-locating in the next little while. And I got to give it to her today when we met up at our favourite lunch destination, the Chocolate Cottage at the Village Green. Oh! What do you know ... the Quilter's Angel is at the Village Green too - what a COINCIDENCE! NOT! Tee! Hee! Hee! Miriam and I had a FABULOUS time! We both enjoyed a bowl of YUMMY seafood chowder with fresh toasted crusty bread while sitting in the sun chatting and sipping on drinks - a very civilised way to spend a lunch hour ... or two or three! Tee! Hee! Hee! No photos cos we were too busy chatting ... and the SLR camera isn't exactly COMPACT, so doesn't fit in my handbag like my little lost point-and-shoot.
It was lovely to catch up with Miriam again and hear all the exciting Hand Made Expo news and THIS time, we allowed enough time for a browse through Marion's shop. I was a good girl and resisted temptation ... TODAY!! :0) But I think there are some yummy new fabrics there that have my name on them for next visit!! Thanks for a WONDERFUL lunch play date, Miriam!!
So ... that's what I've been up to, but I dare say the next couple of days will be full of blog-hopping as I check side-bar lists for monthly finishes, since it's my turn to choose the end-of-month winner for the One Project A Month Challenge. All OPAM gals need to make sure their sidebar lists of finishes are up to date, cos if your finishes aren't on the list ... they won't be counted! You can also send me an email with your list if you have time and that will save me going too cross-eyed from staring at the computer screen.
Right now, however, I need to go and write a shopping list, cos it's that exciting time of the week again where we go GROCERY SHOPPING!! Did you hear GB groan (even though he's not here!!) Tee! Hee! Hee! He's really not fond of grocery shopping, but I drag him along with me to drive the trolley - they never go where I want them to go! My justification is: if he wants to eat, he can help me shop! :0) Meanie, aren't I! Tee! Hee! Hee! Hope you have fun things planned for your weekend - I think we're tackling the painting in the kitchen, so I may have more reno photos to share next week, but I'll be back in a couple of days with the OPAM draw winner, so ... STAY TUNED!! Til next time - Bear Hugs!