Tuesday 25 February 2020

Quilt Bondage!

Do you ever wonder what non-quilting people imagine when we tell them we've spent the afternoon binding a quilt? It occurred to me this afternoon as I was, indeed, binding a quilt that they possibly think we've been bound up in some strange, possibly kinky fashion! Or perhaps that's just my wayward & wacky overactive imagination! 😜😂 My mind wanders onto some strange & winding paths when I'm sewing on binding ... You may have already gathered! Tee! Hee! Hee!

Strange & slightly twisted imagination aside, I've turned into the home straight on my BOM design-in-progress ...

It was pretty exciting to get it back from my Quilting Fairy, the Fabulous Fiona  yesterday. As usual, she has done a MAGNIFICENT job of turning my flimsy into a quilt. Now it's time to stitch the binding down & ET VOILA! It will be FINISHED! 😍 Well ... Apart from the instruction writing, of course ... GROAN! Stay tuned for the next instalment. 😉

So ... With cup of tea beside me & a fave movie playing, I'm off to indulge in a little quilt bondage! 😝😂 Til next time ...



Sunday 23 February 2020

Preparations & Play Dates!

Hello to all my Bloggy Buddies out there in blogland! I hope you're having a great weekend. I have to confess to having a bit of a "Sunday Slug" day today ... It's overcast, cool & showery, so after an in-laws drop-in visit my Beloved Geek Boy & I are curled up with books ... Well ... iPad kindles. 😜 It's a nice balance to the busyness & deadlines we've had over the past couple of weeks.

Part of my busyness & deadlines has been preparation for the upcoming Girls' Stitch In hosted by Marion & Steph of The Quilters Angel on March 14 & 15. I've now handed over my project to these lovely ladies, along with the pattern instructions ... YAY! I can't wait to share my projects with everyone who comes to play in a few weeks' time! There are a few little preparations yet to finish for some mini demonstrations, but I'm giving myself today to be a slug before tackling the new week. 😉

I've also managed to fit in a play date this week with my Bestest-Buddy-Since-We-Were-Nine Lynette. I toodled down the 'hill' so we could go hunting for pretty collectibles & enjoy a tasty lunch ...

Lynette had Vietnamese pork lettuce cup thingies that I can't remember the name of 😜 ...

... & I had koftas & a berry frappe ... YUMMO! And the best part about lunch was that it was tasty but light ... Which meant we had room for ...

CUPCAKES! We discovered Sweethearts Cupcakes at Paddington, handily situated between the antique shop we were visiting & where we parked the car. We figured walking up the STEEP Paddo hill meant we'd earned a sweetie-treatie! 😜

MMMMMMMMMMM! Butterscotch White choc macadamia cupcake with a mug of French Earl Grey tea. Lynette had a gluten free passion fruit custard cupcake ... But she ate it before I could take a pic! Tee! Hee! Hee! I'd recommend a visit to this pretty shabby chic sweetie shop if you're in Brisbane. I reckon it would be dangerous to live/work too close, though ... Too tempting! 😝

So what have you been up to? Whatever you've been doing, I hope you're enjoying it. Just a few days to go before we run out of month again, OPAMers. I'll actually have some finishes to record this month ... WOO! HOO! In the meantime, I think the kettle is playing my song, so I'm diving back into my book ... "The Collector" by Nora Roberts, my fave author. What a shame we have to go back to being grown ups tomorrow! 😝 Til next time ...



Friday 14 February 2020

A Special Treat & Looming Deadlines!


Although maybe we should go with the "Galantine's Day" option ... Wishing all our gal-pals hugs & mooshy stuff. 😜 My Beloved Geek Boy & I don't go overboard for Valentine's, but usually arrange a little treat for each other. This year ... Proving that (despite a plethora of evidence to the contrary! 😝) he DOES in fact listen to me occasionally, GB treated me to some choc-coated freeze-dried strawberries & raspberries from The Source shop that I had seen on FB ...

They are YUMMO! And I could trust Mabon Bear not to snaffle them ... Even though it is well known that bears have a sweet tooth! 😁 So I've just enjoyed a couple of these sweetie treaties with a cuppa during a break from some deadline stitching. Yes ... I'm the Queen of Procrastination & my deadline to finish my Girls' Stitch In project snuck up on me amidst the rush & flurry of this year's first two months. EEP! The machine sewing is in progress, but the hand stitching is all finished ... Would you like a sneaky peeky??

Cheerful flowers ... I can't give away TOO, much about the design, you know. 😜 If you want to see more ... You still have time to book your seat for Girl's Stitch In! 😝 Give Marion & Steph a call at the Quilters Angel to come along & be spoilt on March 14 & 15. Natalie Bird is the other guest designer & I know she's been stitching up a storm, too, so ... Come & play! 😁

But that's my tea break over, so I'd better get back to the sewing machine to have any hope of meeting my looming deadline. Well ... Maybe just ONE more White choc-coated raspberry to help my creative juices flow. 😜 Til next time ...



Tuesday 11 February 2020

Madly Stitching & OPAM!

It was a dark & stormy night ... Well ... It's afternoon & not THAT dark ... But there ARE storms thundering around. 😜 So I've settled in with a cuppa, lit my "Aussie Bush" BOC & Co candle, am listening to the soothing Celtic tones of Enya & madly stitching on my Secret Squirrel design for Girls' Stitch In on March 14 & 15. 

If you'd like to come & enjoy being spoilt in good company by Marion & Steph of The Quilters Angel  book your seat quickly. 😉 Stitching events organised by Marion & Steph are always fabulous & you get to catch up with Natalie Bird who is one of the guest designers, along with yours truly. 😁 I'm madly stitching away to have the embroidery elements of my design ready to be sewn into the final project on my day off this Friday. I know what I'm going to do (mostly! 😂) I just need the uninterrupted day at home to DO it. The start of my year seems to have been a wee bit muddled & busy ... Surprise, surprise! 🙄

And speaking of muddled & busy ... I'm finally getting around to doing the January OPAM prize draw. 😜 I usually do a double-whammy draw for January/February at the end of February to give everyone a chance to sign up & get into the swing of things but most of you were quick off the mark to email your tallies, so we had ...


WOW! Clearly some of you were far more organised than me! 😝 And the winner of the random prize draw is ...

Congrats Karen! Drop me an email & I'll send you a PDF copy of the prize pattern. Well done to everyone who had finishes on their tally for January ... Think of the space you now have in your sewing cave that you can fill with new fabric! 😂

Now I'm off to sip more tea, listen to more Enya & stitch some more before the storm hits or I have to stop to make dinner ... Whichever comes first! 😝 Til next time me ...



Monday 3 February 2020

SHHHHH! Secret Squirrel Stitching!

Secret Squirrel stitching is happening here at the moment. 😁 I'm working on my project for Girls' Stitch In hosted by The Quilters Angel on March 14 & 15. Are you gonna come & play?! 😜

I'm fortunate enough to be one of the guest designers, along with Natalie Bird of The Birdhouse, & I'm having fun with a stitchery design that's just a little different from my usual ... But I can't show you yet. Aren't I a terrible tease?! Tee! Hee! Hee! If you want to join the fun of a stitching day where you'll be extremely spoilt & enjoy fabulous company, then make sure you book a spot before it's all booked out. I'll look forward to seeing some of you for the play date. 😁

I hope your week is off to a fantastic start & that it includes lots of creative time. Don't forget ... If you think you need a little nudge to help you along to finish more projects, sign up for OPAM is open & details are in the previous post. Thanks to all the lovely gals who have signed up so far ... It's wonderful to see repeat offenders playing along again. 😜 And thank you to those who have already sent their January finish tally ... You're all so keen! 😁 I'll do a random prize draw in a couple of days, so stay tuned. Til next time ...



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