Sunday 29 January 2023

Exciting Plans & Sunday Stitching!

Hello, hello! How are you all doing today? I hope you’re enjoying a restful weekend. It’s a hot & humid day here on top of our ‘hill’ today … & while I like the heat, I’m not at all fond of the humidity. My Grandma used to call it ‘knickers-sticking’ weather. 🤣

So after some grown up chores, I’ve happily settled into our living room to do some planning, some design editing, some sketching & once I make myself a cuppa, I’ll pick up my needle to do some stitching. The year may only be a month old (YIKES! The year is already flying by! 😳) but there are some exciting things happening in 2023 for Tag Along Teddies that have got my stitching & designing motor humming. While I can’t tell you too much at the moment, I can share a sneaky-peeky of what I’m currently stitching …

… celebrating the forest/bush setting we call home. Stitching is almost done & then it’ll be time to play with fabrics … YUMMY! 😁🥰

Right now though, it’s time to boil the kettle, make myself a cup of lychee flavoured tea & stitch in front of a fave movie. My creative heart is happy! 🥰🥰 Wishing you all a fabulous week … hope it includes time doing whatever it is that makes YOUR creative heart do a Happy Dance. 😉 Til next time …




ButterZ said...

Time to relax. What movie are you watching?

Astrid said...

Nice stitchery Kris. Hot and way too humid here too after all the rain we had this week. Enjoy stitching!

Maria said...

Lovely stitchery you’ve done Kris.

Judy S. said...

Can't wait to see the results of your current project! It's pretty chilly here today but the sun was out for a while which was nice.

Janice said...

It’s great that you are actually getting to do some stitching. Pretty colours. I look forward to hearing your exciting news, all in good time.

John Cruz said...

Such a great idea to keep your hands busy. It looks beautiful.

take my class for me

Harriet John said...

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